This section includes information for using the Python API of beat.core.


Validation for algorithms

Forward importing from beat.backend.python.algorithm beat.backend.python.algorithm.Storage beat.backend.python.algorithm.Runner

class beat.core.algorithm.Algorithm(prefix, data, dataformat_cache=None, library_cache=None)[source]

Bases: beat.backend.python.algorithm.Algorithm

Algorithms represent runnable components within the platform.

This class can only parse the meta-parameters of the algorithm (i.e., input and output declaration, grouping, synchronization details, parameters and splittability). The actual algorithm is not directly treated by this class. It can, however, provide you with a loader for actually running the algorithmic code (see runner()).

  • prefix (str) – Establishes the prefix of your installation.
  • data (object, Optional) – The piece of data representing the algorithm. It must validate against the schema defined for algorithms. If a string is passed, it is supposed to be a valid path to an algorithm in the designated prefix area. If a tuple is passed (or a list), then we consider that the first element represents the algorithm declaration, while the second, the code for the algorithm (either in its source format or as a binary blob). If None is passed, loads our default prototype for algorithms (source code will be in Python).
  • dataformat_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping dataformat names to loaded dataformats. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up algorithm loading times as dataformats that are already loaded may be re-used.
  • library_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping library names to loaded libraries. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up library loading times as libraries that are already loaded may be re-used.

The algorithm name


The short description string, loaded from the JSON file if one was set.


The full-length docstring for this object.


A simple object that provides information about file paths for this algorithm


A dictionary containing all pre-loaded dataformats used by this algorithm. Data format objects will be of type beat.core.dataformat.DataFormat.


A mapping object defining other libraries this algorithm needs to load so it can work properly.


A mapping object defining the required library import name (keys) and the full-names (values).


A dictionary containing all pre-defined parameters that this algorithm accepts.


A boolean value that indicates if this algorithm is automatically parallelizeable by our backend.


A dictionary where the key is the input name and the value, its type. All input names (potentially from different groups) are comprised in this dictionary.


A dictionary where the key is the output name and the value, its type. All output names (potentially from different groups) are comprised in this dictionary.


If this algorithm is actually an analyzer (i.e., there are no formal outputs, but results that must be saved by the platform), then this dictionary contains the names and data types of those elements.


A list containing dictionaries with inputs and outputs belonging to the same synchronization group.


A list containing errors found while loading this algorithm.


The original data for this algorithm, as loaded by our JSON decoder.


The code that is associated with this algorithm, loaded as a text (or binary) file.



Froward imports from beat.backend.python.baseformat


Validation of databases

Forward importing from beat.backend.python.database: beat.backend.python.database.Storage

class beat.core.database.Database(prefix, data, dataformat_cache=None)[source]

Bases: beat.backend.python.database.Database

Databases define the start point of the dataflow in an experiment.

  • prefix (str) – Establishes the prefix of your installation.
  • data (dict, str) – The piece of data representing the database. It must validate against the schema defined for databases. If a string is passed, it is supposed to be a valid path to an database in the designated prefix area.
  • dataformat_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping dataformat names to loaded dataformats. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as dataformats that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying dataformats change.

The full, valid name of this database


The short description string, loaded from the JSON file if one was set.


The full-length docstring for this object.


A simple object that provides information about file paths for this database


A list containing errors found while loading this database.


The original data for this database, as loaded by our JSON decoder.



Validation and parsing for dataformats

Forward importing from beat.backend.python.dataformat: beat.backend.python.dataformat.Storage

class beat.core.dataformat.DataFormat(prefix, data, parent=None, dataformat_cache=None)[source]

Bases: beat.backend.python.dataformat.DataFormat

Data formats define the chunks of data that circulate between blocks.

  • prefix (str) – Establishes the prefix of your installation.
  • data (object, Optional) – The piece of data representing the data format. It must validate against the schema defined for data formats. If a string is passed, it is supposed to be a valid path to an data format in the designated prefix area. If None is passed, loads our default prototype for data formats.
  • parent (tuple, Optional) – The parent DataFormat for this format. If set to None, this means this dataformat is the first one on the hierarchy tree. If set to a tuple, the contents are (format-instance, field-name), which indicates the originating object that is this object’s parent and the name of the field on that object that points to this one.
  • dataformat_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping dataformat names to loaded dataformats. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up data format loading times as dataformats that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying dataformats change.

The full, valid name of this dataformat


The short description string, loaded from the JSON file if one was set.


The full-length docstring for this object.


A simple object that provides information about file paths for this dataformat


A list containing errors found while loading this dataformat.

Type:list of str

The original data for this dataformat, as loaded by our JSON decoder.


A dictionary similar to data, but with references fully resolved.


A dictionary pointing to all loaded dataformats.


The pointer to the dataformat to which the current format is part of. It is useful for internal error reporting.



Docker helper classes

class beat.core.dock.Host(images_cache=None, raise_on_errors=True, discover=True)[source]

Bases: object

An object of this class can connect to the docker host and resolve stuff

images_cache = {}

Returns a nice docker image name given a BEAT environment key


Returns a nice docker image name given a database name


The IP address of the docker host

create_container(image, command)[source]
start(container, virtual_memory_in_megabytes=0, max_cpu_percent=0)[source]

Starts the execution of a container

The process will be run in the background, and its standard output and standard error will be read after it finishes, into a limited size circular buffer.

  • container (Container) – The container.
  • virtual_memory_in_megabytes (int, Optional) – The maximum amount of memory the user process can consume on the host. If not specified, a memory limit is not set.
  • max_cpu_percent (float, Optional) – The maximum amount of CPU the user process may consume on the host. The value 100 equals to using 100% of a single core. If not specified, then a CPU limitation is not put in place.
wait(container, timeout=None)[source]

Wait for the container to finish its job

Parameters:timeout (float, Optional) – A timeout in seconds to wait for the user process to finish. If a timeout value is not given, waits forever.

Checks the status of a given container


Returns the logs of a container


Returns the statistics about a container


Removes a given container. If it is not done, kill it first


Stop a container

run(image, command)[source]

Runs a command and retrieves its status and output


Returns the ip address of the given container

class beat.core.dock.Container(image, command)[source]

Bases: object

This class represents a Docker container with its set of parameters

:param : param str image: Name of the image to use to build the container :param : param str command: Command to execute in the container.


Set the name to be used by the container in place of the docker auto generated one.


Set the work folder to be used by the container


Set the entry point to be used by the container

add_volume(path, mount_path, read_only=True)[source]

Add a volume to be mounted on the container

:param : param str path: Source path of the volume on disk :param : param str mount_path: Path of the volume in the container :param : param boolean read_only: Whether the volume will be read only

add_port(container_port, host_port, host_address=None)[source]

Add a port binding

:param : param int container_port: Port to bind from the container :param : param int host_port: Port to bind to on the host :param : param str host_address: Address of the host

add_environment_variable(name, value)[source]

Add an environment variable

:param : param str name: Name of the variable :param : param str value: Content of the variable


Empty the port bindings


Returns the volumes of this container in a suitable form to build a command to start the container.


Returns the ports of this container in a suitable form to build a command to start the container.


Returns the environment variables to set on this container.


Returns the complete docker command to start the container and execute the specified command.

Returns:Command to execute
Return type:str


Utilities for drawing toolchains and experiments


Calculates if text must be black/white for a given color background

The technique deployed in this function calculates the perceptive luminance for a given color and then choses a black or white color depending on that value.

Parameters:c (str) – A color definition in the format #rrggbb, in which each color channel is represented by 2-digit hexadecimal number ranging from 0x0 to 0xff.
Either #000000 (black) or #ffffff (white) depending on which
better text color would go with the given color.
Return type:str

Lightens the given color

Parameters:c (str) – A color definition in the format #rrggbb, in which each color channel is represented by 2-digit hexadecimal number ranging from 0x0 to 0xff.
Returns:The hexadecimal representation of the lightened color.
Return type:str
beat.core.drawing.create_port_table(type, names, color)[source]

Creates an HTML table with the defined port names

  • type (str) – The type of port - maybe set to ‘input’, ‘output’ or ‘result’
  • names (str) – A set of strings that define the contents of each port
  • color (str) – A color definition in the format #rrggbb, in which each color channel is represented by 2-digit hexadecimal number ranging from 0x0 to 0xff.


str: A string containing the HTML representation for the table,
compatible with GraphViz.
beat.core.drawing.create_layout_ports_table(color, input_names=[], output_names=[])[source]

Creates an HTML table with the defined input & output port names

  • input_names (str) – A set of strings that define the contents of each input port
  • output_names (str) – A set of strings that define the contents of each output port
  • color (str) – A color definition in the format #rrggbb, in which each color channel is represented by 2-digit hexadecimal number ranging from 0x0 to 0xff.


str: A string containing the HTML representation for the table,
compatible with GraphViz.
beat.core.drawing.make_label(inputs, name, outputs, color)[source]

Creates an HTML Table representing the label for a given block

  • inputs (list) – A list of input names which represent all inputs for this block
  • name (str) – The name of the block
  • outputs (list) – A list of output names which represent all outputs for this block
  • color (str) – A color definition in the format #rrggbb, in which each color channel is represented by 2-digit hexadecimal number ranging from 0x0 to 0xff.


str: A string containing the HTML representation for the table,
compatible with GraphViz.
beat.core.drawing.make_layout_label(inputs, name, outputs, color)[source]

Creates an HTML Table representing the label for a given block

  • inputs (list) – A list of input names which represent all inputs for this block
  • name (str) – The name of the block
  • outputs (list) – A list of output names which represent all outputs for this block
  • color (str) – A color definition in the format #rrggbb, in which each color channel is represented by 2-digit hexadecimal number ranging from 0x0 to 0xff.


str: A string containing the HTML representation for the table,
compatible with GraphViz.


Helper functions related to environment management

beat.core.environments.enumerate_packages(host, environment_name)[source]

Enumerate the packages installed in given environment.


Execution utilities

class beat.core.execution.base.BaseExecutor(prefix, data, cache=None, dataformat_cache=None, database_cache=None, algorithm_cache=None, library_cache=None, custom_root_folders=None)[source]

Bases: object

Executors runs the code given an execution block information

  • prefix (str) – Establishes the prefix of your installation.
  • data (dict, str) – The piece of data representing the block to be executed. It must validate against the schema defined for execution blocks. If a string is passed, it is supposed to be a fully qualified absolute path to a JSON file containing the block execution information.
  • cache (str, Optional) – If your cache is not located under <prefix>/cache, then specify a full path here. It will be used instead.
  • dataformat_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping dataformat names to loaded dataformats. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as dataformats that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying dataformats change.
  • database_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping database names to loaded databases. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as databases that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying databases change.
  • algorithm_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping algorithm names to loaded algorithms. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as algorithms that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying algorithms change.
  • library_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping library names to loaded libraries. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up library loading times as libraries that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying libraries change.

The path to the cache currently being used


A list containing errors found while loading this execution block.


The original data for this executor, as loaded by our JSON decoder.


An object representing the algorithm to be run.


A dictionary in which keys are strings with database names and values are database.Database, representing the databases required for running this block. The dictionary may be empty in case all inputs are taken from the file cache.


A dictionary in which the keys are tuples pointing to the (<database-name>, <protocol>, <set>) and the value is a setup view for that particular combination of details. The dictionary may be empty in case all inputs are taken from the file cache.


A list of inputs that will be served to the algorithm.


A list of outputs that the algorithm will produce.


A list with all data-sources created by our execution loader.


A list with all data-sinks created by our execution loader. These are useful for clean-up actions in case of problems.

process(virtual_memory_in_megabytes=0, max_cpu_percent=0, timeout_in_minutes=0)[source]

Executes the user algorithm code

  • virtual_memory_in_megabytes (int, Optional) – The amount of virtual memory (in Megabytes) available for the job. If set to zero, no limit will be applied.
  • max_cpu_percent (int, Optional) – The maximum amount of CPU usage allowed in a system. This number must be an integer number between 0 and 100*number_of_cores in your system. For instance, if your system has 2 cores, this number can go between 0 and 200. If it is <= 0, then we don’t track CPU usage.
  • timeout_in_minutes (int) – The number of minutes to wait for the user process to execute. After this amount of time, the user process is killed with signal.SIGKILL. If set to zero, no timeout will be applied.

A dictionary which is JSON formattable containing the summary of

this block execution.

Return type:



A boolean that indicates if this executor is valid or not


A boolean that indicates if the current block is an analysis block


Returns True if outputs this block is supposed to produce exists.


Summarize current I/O statistics looking at data sources and sinks, inputs and outputs

Returns:A dictionary summarizing current I/O statistics
Return type:dict

Writes contents to precise filesystem location


Exports contents useful for a backend runner to run the algorithm


Exports contents useful for a backend runner to run the algorithm


Execution utilities

class beat.core.execution.docker.DockerExecutor(host, prefix, data, cache=None, dataformat_cache=None, database_cache=None, algorithm_cache=None, library_cache=None, custom_root_folders=None)[source]

Bases: beat.core.execution.remote.RemoteExecutor

DockerExecutor runs the code given an execution block information, externally

  • host (dock.Host) – A configured docker host that will execute the user process. If the host does not have access to the required environment, an exception will be raised.
  • prefix (str) – Establishes the prefix of your installation.
  • data (dict, str) – The piece of data representing the block to be executed. It must validate against the schema defined for execution blocks. If a string is passed, it is supposed to be a fully qualified absolute path to a JSON file containing the block execution information.
  • cache (str, Optional) – If your cache is not located under <prefix>/cache, then specify a full path here. It will be used instead.
  • dataformat_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping dataformat names to loaded dataformats. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as dataformats that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying dataformats change.
  • database_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping database names to loaded databases. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as databases that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying databases change.
  • algorithm_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping algorithm names to loaded algorithms. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as algorithms that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying algorithms change.
  • library_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping library names to loaded libraries. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up library loading times as libraries that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying libraries change.

The path to the cache currently being used


A list containing errors found while loading this execution block.


The original data for this executor, as loaded by our JSON decoder.


An object representing the algorithm to be run.


A dictionary in which keys are strings with database names and values are database.Database, representing the databases required for running this block. The dictionary may be empty in case all inputs are taken from the file cache.


A dictionary in which the keys are tuples pointing to the (<database-name>, <protocol>, <set>) and the value is a setup view for that particular combination of details. The dictionary may be empty in case all inputs are taken from the file cache.


A list of inputs that will be served to the algorithm.


A list of outputs that the algorithm will produce.


A list with all data-sources created by our execution loader.


A list with all data-sinks created by our execution loader. These are useful for clean-up actions in case of problems.

process(virtual_memory_in_megabytes=0, max_cpu_percent=0, timeout_in_minutes=0)[source]

Executes the user algorithm code using an external program.

The execution interface follows the backend API as described in our documentation.

We use green subprocesses this implementation. Each co-process is linked to us via 2 uni-directional pipes which work as datain and dataout end-points. The parent process (i.e. the current one) establishes the connection to the child and then can pass/receive commands, data and logs.

Usage of the data pipes (datain, dataout) is synchronous - you send a command and block for an answer. The co-process is normally controlled by the current process, except for data requests, which are user-code driven. The nature of our problem does not require an asynchronous implementation which, in turn, would require a much more complex set of dependencies (on asyncio or Twisted for example).

  • virtual_memory_in_megabytes (int, Optional) – The amount of virtual memory (in Megabytes) available for the job. If set to zero, no limit will be applied.
  • max_cpu_percent (int, Optional) – The maximum amount of CPU usage allowed in a system. This number must be an integer number between 0 and 100*number_of_cores in your system. For instance, if your system has 2 cores, this number can go between 0 and 200. If it is <= 0, then we don’t track CPU usage.
  • timeout_in_minutes (int, Optional) – The number of minutes to wait for the user process to execute. After this amount of time, the user process is killed with signal.SIGKILL. If set to zero, no timeout will be applied.

A dictionary which is JSON formattable containing the summary of this block execution.

Return type:



Execution utilities

class beat.core.execution.local.LocalExecutor(prefix, data, cache=None, dataformat_cache=None, database_cache=None, algorithm_cache=None, library_cache=None, custom_root_folders=None)[source]

Bases: beat.core.execution.base.BaseExecutor

LocalExecutor runs the code given an execution block information

  • prefix (str) – Establishes the prefix of your installation.
  • data (dict, str) – The piece of data representing the block to be executed. It must validate against the schema defined for execution blocks. If a string is passed, it is supposed to be a fully qualified absolute path to a JSON file containing the block execution information.
  • cache (str, Optional) – If your cache is not located under <prefix>/cache, then specify a full path here. It will be used instead.
  • dataformat_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping dataformat names to loaded dataformats. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as dataformats that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying dataformats change.
  • database_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping database names to loaded databases. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as databases that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying databases change.
  • algorithm_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping algorithm names to loaded algorithms. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as algorithms that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying algorithms change.
  • library_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping library names to loaded libraries. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up library loading times as libraries that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying libraries change.
  • custom_root_folders (dict, Optional) – A dictionary where the keys are database identifiers (<db_name>/<version>) and the values are paths to the given database’s files. These values will override the value found in the database’s metadata.

The path to the cache currently being used


A list containing errors found while loading this execution block.


The original data for this executor, as loaded by our JSON decoder.


An object representing the algorithm to be run.


A dictionary in which keys are strings with database names and values are database.Database, representing the databases required for running this block. The dictionary may be empty in case all inputs are taken from the file cache.


A dictionary in which the keys are tuples pointing to the (<database-name>, <protocol>, <set>) and the value is a setup view for that particular combination of details. The dictionary may be empty in case all inputs are taken from the file cache.


A list of inputs that will be served to the algorithm.


A list of outputs that the algorithm will produce.


A list with all data-sources created by our execution loader.


A list with all data-sinks created by our execution loader. These are useful for clean-up actions in case of problems.


A dictionary where the keys are database identifiers (<db_name>/<version>) and the values are paths to the given database’s files. These values will override the value found in the database’s metadata.

process(virtual_memory_in_megabytes=0, max_cpu_percent=0, timeout_in_minutes=0)[source]

Executes the user algorithm code

  • virtual_memory_in_megabytes (int, Optional) – The amount of virtual memory (in Megabytes) available for the job. If set to zero, no limit will be applied.
  • max_cpu_percent (int, Optional) – The maximum amount of CPU usage allowed in a system. This number must be an integer number between 0 and 100*number_of_cores in your system. For instance, if your system has 2 cores, this number can go between 0 and 200. If it is <= 0, then we don’t track CPU usage.
  • timeout_in_minutes (int) – The number of minutes to wait for the user process to execute. After this amount of time, the user process is killed with signal.SIGKILL. If set to zero, no timeout will be applied.

A dictionary which is JSON formattable containing the summary of

this block execution.

Return type:



Execution utilities

class beat.core.execution.remote.RemoteExecutor(prefix, data, ip_address, cache=None, dataformat_cache=None, database_cache=None, algorithm_cache=None, library_cache=None, custom_root_folders=None)[source]

Bases: beat.core.execution.base.BaseExecutor

Base class for Executors that communicate with a message handler

  • prefix (str) – Establishes the prefix of your installation.
  • data (dict, str) – The piece of data representing the block to be executed. It must validate against the schema defined for execution blocks. If a string is passed, it is supposed to be a fully qualified absolute path to a JSON file containing the block execution information.
  • cache (str, Optional) – If your cache is not located under <prefix>/cache, then specify a full path here. It will be used instead.
  • dataformat_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping dataformat names to loaded dataformats. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as dataformats that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying dataformats change.
  • database_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping database names to loaded databases. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as databases that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying databases change.
  • algorithm_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping algorithm names to loaded algorithms. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as algorithms that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying algorithms change.
  • library_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping library names to loaded libraries. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up library loading times as libraries that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying libraries change.

The path to the cache currently being used


A list containing errors found while loading this execution block.


The original data for this executor, as loaded by our JSON decoder.


An object representing the algorithm to be run.


A dictionary in which keys are strings with database names and values are database.Database, representing the databases required for running this block. The dictionary may be empty in case all inputs are taken from the file cache.


A dictionary in which the keys are tuples pointing to the (<database-name>, <protocol>, <set>) and the value is a setup view for that particular combination of details. The dictionary may be empty in case all inputs are taken from the file cache.


A list of inputs that will be served to the algorithm.


A list of outputs that the algorithm will produce.


A list with all data-sources created by our execution loader.


A list with all data-sinks created by our execution loader. These are useful for clean-up actions in case of problems.


Stops the user process by force - to be called from signal handlers


Execution utilities

class beat.core.execution.subprocess.SubprocessExecutor(prefix, data, cache=None, dataformat_cache=None, database_cache=None, algorithm_cache=None, library_cache=None, custom_root_folders=None, ip_address='')[source]

Bases: beat.core.execution.remote.RemoteExecutor

SubprocessExecutor runs the code given an execution block information, using a subprocess

  • prefix (str) – Establishes the prefix of your installation.
  • data (dict, str) – The piece of data representing the block to be executed. It must validate against the schema defined for execution blocks. If a string is passed, it is supposed to be a fully qualified absolute path to a JSON file containing the block execution information.
  • cache (str, Optional) – If your cache is not located under <prefix>/cache, then specify a full path here. It will be used instead.
  • dataformat_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping dataformat names to loaded dataformats. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as dataformats that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying dataformats change.
  • database_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping database names to loaded databases. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as databases that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying databases change.
  • algorithm_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping algorithm names to loaded algorithms. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up database loading times as algorithms that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying algorithms change.
  • library_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping library names to loaded libraries. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up library loading times as libraries that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying libraries change.

The path to the cache currently being used


A list containing errors found while loading this execution block.


The original data for this executor, as loaded by our JSON decoder.


An object representing the algorithm to be run.


A dictionary in which keys are strings with database names and values are database.Database, representing the databases required for running this block. The dictionary may be empty in case all inputs are taken from the file cache.


A dictionary in which the keys are tuples pointing to the (<database-name>, <protocol>, <set>) and the value is a setup view for that particular combination of details. The dictionary may be empty in case all inputs are taken from the file cache.


A list of inputs that will be served to the algorithm.


A list of outputs that the algorithm will produce.


A list with all data-sources created by our execution loader.


A list with all data-sinks created by our execution loader. These are useful for clean-up actions in case of problems.

process(virtual_memory_in_megabytes=0, max_cpu_percent=0, timeout_in_minutes=0)[source]

Executes the user algorithm code using an external program.

The execution interface follows the backend API as described in our documentation.

We use green subprocesses this implementation. Each co-process is linked to us via 2 uni-directional pipes which work as datain and dataout end-points. The parent process (i.e. the current one) establishes the connection to the child and then can pass/receive commands, data and logs.

Usage of the data pipes (datain, dataout) is synchronous - you send a command and block for an answer. The co-process is normally controlled by the current process, except for data requests, which are user-code driven. The nature of our problem does not require an asynchronous implementation which, in turn, would require a much more complex set of dependencies (on asyncio or Twisted for example).

  • virtual_memory_in_megabytes (int, Optional) – The amount of virtual memory (in Megabytes) available for the job. If set to zero, no limit will be applied.
  • max_cpu_percent (int, Optional) – The maximum amount of CPU usage allowed in a system. This number must be an integer number between 0 and 100*number_of_cores in your system. For instance, if your system has 2 cores, this number can go between 0 and 200. If it is <= 0, then we don’t track CPU usage.
  • timeout_in_minutes (int) – The number of minutes to wait for the user process to execute. After this amount of time, the user process is killed with signal.SIGKILL. If set to zero, no timeout will be applied.

A dictionary which is JSON formattable containing the summary of

this block execution.

Return type:



Validation for experiments

class beat.core.experiment.Storage(prefix, name)[source]

Bases: beat.backend.python.utils.Storage

Resolves paths for experiments

  • prefix (str) – Establishes the prefix of your installation.
  • name (str) – The name of the experiment object in the format <user>/<toolchain-user>/<toolchain-name>/<version>/<name> or <user>/<toolchain-name>/<version>/<name>, in case <user> and <toolchain-user> are the same.
class beat.core.experiment.Experiment(prefix, data, dataformat_cache=None, database_cache=None, algorithm_cache=None, library_cache=None)[source]

Bases: object

Experiments define the complete workflow for user test on the platform.

  • prefix (str) – Establishes the prefix of your installation.
  • data (object, Optional) – The piece of data representing the experiment. It must validate against the schema defined for toolchains. If a string is passed, it is supposed to be a valid path to an experiment in the designated prefix area. If None is passed, loads our default prototype for toolchains. If a tuple is passed (or a list), then we consider that the first element represents the experiment, while the second, the toolchain definition. The toolchain bit can be defined as a dictionary or as a string (pointing to a valid path in the designated prefix area).
  • dataformat_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping dataformat names to loaded dataformats. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up experiment loading times as dataformats that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying dataformats change.
  • database_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping database names to loaded databases. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up experiment loading times as databases that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying databases change.
  • algorithm_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping algorithm names to loaded algorithms. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up experiment loading times as algorithms that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying algorithms change.
  • library_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping library names to loaded libraries. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up library loading times as libraries that are already loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying libraries change.

The full, valid label of this experiment


The short description string, loaded from the JSON file if one was set.


The full-length docstring for this object.


A simple object that provides information about file paths for this toolchain


The toolchain in which this experiment is based.


A dictionary containing the names and beat.core.database.Database pointers for all referenced databases.


A dictionary containing the names and beat.core.algorithm.Algorithm pointers for all referenced algorithms.


A dictionary containing the names and beat.core.database.Database pointers for all datasets in this experiment.


A dictionary containing the names and beat.core.algorithm.Algorithm pointers for all blocks in this experiment.


A dictionary containing the names and beat.core.algorithm.Algorithm pointers for all analyzers in this experiment.


A list containing errors found while loading this experiment.

Type:list of str

The original data for this experiment, as loaded by our JSON decoder.


Returns the label of this experiment


Returns the label of this experiment


Returns the schema version


A boolean that indicates if this experiment is valid or not


Prepares the experiment so it can be executed by a scheduling service.

This method will calculate the block execution order and prepare the configuration for each block in the experiment so its execution can be carried out by an adequate scheduling service.

An ordered dictionary with the
block/analyzer execution order and configuration details. The keys of this ordered dictionary correspond to the block and analyzer names in the toolchain. The values correspond to a list of dependencies for the given block in terms of other block names and the block/analyzer configuration, as a dictionary.
Return type:collections.OrderedDict

Returns a dot diagram representation of the experiment


The short description for this object


The full-length description for this object


Returns the hexadecimal hash for its declaration


Dumps the JSON declaration of this object in a string

  • indent (int) – The number of indentation spaces at every indentation
  • level

The JSON representation for this object

Return type:



Writes contents to prefix location

Parameters:storage (Storage, Optional) – If you pass a new storage, then this object will be written to that storage point rather than its default.

Recursively exports itself into another prefix

Databases and algorithms associated are also exported recursively

Parameters:prefix (str) – A path to a prefix that must different then my own.
Raises:RuntimeError – If prefix and self.prefix point to the same directory.


Various functions for hashing platform contributions and others

Also forward importing from beat.backend.python.hash

beat.core.hash.hashBlockOutput(block_name, algorithm_name, algorithm_hash, parameters, environment, input_hashes, output_name)[source]

Generate a hash for a given block output

:param : param str block_name: Name of the block (unused) :param : param str algorithm_name: Name of the algorithm used by the block :param (parameter unused): :param : param str algorithm_hash: Hash of the algorithm used by the block :param : param dict parameters: Configured parameters :param : param dict environment: Environment parameters :param : param dict input_hashes: Dictionary containing the input’s hashes :param : param str output_name: Name of the output

beat.core.hash.hashAnalyzer(analyzer_name, algorithm_name, algorithm_hash, parameters, environment, input_hashes)[source]

Generate a hash for a given analyzer

:param : param str analyzer_name: Name of the analyzer (unused) :param : param str algorithm_name: Name of the algorithm used by the analyzer :param : param str algorithm_hash: Hash of the algorithm used by the analyzer :param : param dict parameters: Configured parameters :param : param dict environment: Environment parameters :param : param dict input_hashes: Dictionary containing the inputs’s hashes

beat.core.hash.hashJSONStr(contents, description)[source]

Hashes the JSON string contents using hashlib.sha256

Excludes description changes


Validation for libraries

Forward imported from beat.backend.python.library: beat.backend.python.library.Storage

class beat.core.library.Library(prefix, data, library_cache=None)[source]

Bases: beat.backend.python.library.Library

Librarys represent independent algorithm components within the platform.

This class can only parse the meta-parameters of the library. The actual library is not directly treated by this class - only by the associated algorithms.

  • prefix (str) – Establishes the prefix of your installation.
  • data (object, Optional) – The piece of data representing the library. It must validate against the schema defined for libraries. If a string is passed, it is supposed to be a valid path to an library in the designated prefix area. If a tuple is passed (or a list), then we consider that the first element represents the library declaration, while the second, the code for the library (either in its source format or as a binary blob). If None is passed, loads our default prototype for libraries (source code will be in Python).
  • library_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping library names to loaded libraries. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up library loading times as libraries that are already loaded may be re-used.

The library name


The short description string, loaded from the JSON file if one was set.


The full-length docstring for this object.


A simple object that provides information about file paths for this library


A mapping object defining other libraries this library needs to load so it can work properly.


A mapping object defining the required library import name (keys) and the full-names (values).


A list containing errors found while loading this library.


The original data for this library, as loaded by our JSON decoder.


The code that is associated with this library, loaded as a text (or binary) file.



Forward imports from beat.backend.python.loader


Validation for plotters

class beat.core.plotter.Storage(prefix, name, language=None)[source]

Bases: beat.backend.python.utils.CodeStorage

Resolves paths for plotter

  • prefix (str) – Establishes the prefix of your installation.
  • name (str) – The name of the algorithm object in the format <user>/<name>/<version>.
class beat.core.plotter.Runner(module, obj_name, algorithm, exc=None)[source]

Bases: beat.backend.python.algorithm.Runner

A special loader class for plotters, with specialized methods


Runs through data

class beat.core.plotter.Plotter(prefix, data, dataformat_cache=None, library_cache=None)[source]

Bases: object

Plotter represent runnable components within the platform that generate images from data points.

This class can only parse the meta-parameters of the plotter (i.e., parameters and applicable dataformat). The actual plotter is not directly treated by this class - it can, however, provide you with a loader for actually running the plotting code (see Plotter.runner()).

  • prefix (str) – Establishes the prefix of your installation.
  • data (object, Optional) – The piece of data representing the plotter. It must validate against the schema defined for plotters. If a string is passed, it is supposed to be a valid path to a plotter in the designated prefix area. If a tuple is passed (or a list), then we consider that the first element represents the plotter declaration, while the second, the code for the plotter (either in its source format or as a binary blob). If None is passed, loads our default prototype for plotters (source code will be in Python).
  • dataformat_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping dataformat names to loaded dataformats. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up algorithm loading times as dataformats that are already loaded may be re-used.
  • library_cache (dict, Optional) – A dictionary mapping library names to loaded libraries. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly speed-up library loading times as libraries that are already loaded may be re-used.

The algorithm name


The short description string, loaded from the JSON file if one was set.


The full-length docstring for this object.


A simple object that provides information about file paths for this algorithm


An object of type dataformat.DataFormat that represents the dataformat to which this plotter is applicable.


A mapping object defining other libraries this plotter needs to load so it can work properly.


A mapping object defining the required library import name (keys) and the full-names (values).


A dictionary containing all pre-defined parameters that this algorithm accepts.


A list containing errors found while loading this algorithm.


The original data for this algorithm, as loaded by our JSON decoder.


The code that is associated with this algorithm, loaded as a text (or binary) file.


Returns the schema version


Returns the name of this object


Returns the current language set for the executable code

clean_parameter(parameter, value)

Checks if a given value against a declared parameter

This method checks if the provided user value can be safe-cast to the parameter type as defined on its specification and that it conforms to any parameter-imposed restrictions.

  • parameter (str) – The name of the parameter to check the value against
  • value (object) – An object that will be safe cast into the defined parameter type.

The converted value, with an appropriate numpy type.

  • KeyError – If the parameter cannot be found on this algorithm’s declaration.
  • ValueError – If the parameter cannot be safe cast into the algorithm’s type. Alternatively, a ValueError may also be raised if a range or choice was specified and the value does not obey those settings stipulated for the parameter

A boolean that indicates if this algorithm is valid or not


Returns the API version


Returns the usage dictionary for all dependent modules

runner(klass='Plotter', exc=None)[source]

Returns a runnable plotter object.

  • klass (str) – The name of the class to load the runnable algorithm from
  • exc (class) – If passed, must be a valid exception class that will be used to report errors in the read-out of this plotter’s code.

An instance of the

algorithm, which will be constructed, but not setup. You must set it up before using the process method.

Return type:



The short description for this object


Dumps the JSON declaration of this object in a string

Parameters:indent (int) – The number of indentation spaces at every indentation level
Returns:The JSON representation for this object
Return type:str

The full-length description for this object


The parameters of this algorithm


Returns the hexadecimal hash for the current plotter


Writes contents to prefix location

Parameters:storage (Storage, Optional) – If you pass a new storage, then this object will be written to that storage point rather than its default.


A class that can read, validate and update statistical information

Forward impored from beat.backend.python.stats: beat.backend.python.stats.io_statistics() beat.backend.python.stats.update()

class beat.core.stats.Statistics(data=None)[source]

Bases: object

Statistics define resource usage for algorithmic code runs

Parameters:data (object, Optional) – The piece of data representing the statistics the be read, it must validate against our pre-defined execution schema. If the input is None or empty, then start a new statistics from scratch.

A list containing errors found while loading this statistics information.

Type:list of str

The original data for these statistics


Returns the schema version


Returns only CPU information


Returns only memory information


Returns only I/O information


A boolean that indicates if this executor is valid or not


Returns self as as JSON

:param : param indent int: Indentation to use for the JSON generation

Returns:JSON representation
Return type:dict

Returns self as a dictionary


Writes contents to a file-like object

beat.core.stats.cpu_statistics(start, end)[source]

Summarizes current CPU usage

This method should be used when the currently set algorithm is the only one executed through the whole process. It is done for collecting resource statistics on separate processing environments. It follows the recipe in: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30271942/get-docker-container-cpu-usage-as-percentage

Returns:A dictionary summarizing current CPU usage
Return type:dict

Summarizes current memory usage

This method should be used when the currently set algorithm is the only one executed through the whole process. It is done for collecting resource statistics on separate processing environments.

Returns:A dictionary summarizing current memory usage
Return type:dict


Validation for toolchains

class beat.core.toolchain.Storage(prefix, name)[source]

Bases: beat.backend.python.utils.Storage

Resolves paths for toolchains

  • prefix (str) – Establishes the prefix of your installation.
  • name (str) – The name of the toolchain object in the format <user>/<name>/<version>.
class beat.core.toolchain.Toolchain(prefix, data)[source]

Bases: object

Toolchains define the dataflow in an experiment.

  • prefix (str) – Establishes the prefix of your installation.
  • data (object, Optional) – The piece of data representing the toolchain. It must validate against the schema defined for toolchains. If a string is passed, it is supposed to be a valid path to an toolchain in the designated prefix area. If None is passed, loads our default prototype for toolchains.

The toolchain name


The short description string, loaded from the JSON file if one was set.


The full-length docstring for this object.


A simple object that provides information about file paths for this toolchain


A list containing errors found while loading this toolchain.


The original data for this toolchain, as loaded by our JSON decoder.


Returns the schema version


Returns the name of this object


All declared datasets


All declared blocks


All declared analyzers


All declared connections


Returns the block dependencies for a given block/analyzer in a set

The calculation uses all declared connections for that block/analyzer. Dataset connections are ignored.


Returns the execution order in an ordered dictionary with block deps.

dot_diagram(title=None, label_callback=None, edge_callback=None, result_callback=None, is_layout=False)[source]

Returns a dot diagram representation of the toolchain

  • title (str) – A title for the generated drawing. If None is given, then prints out the toolchain name.
  • label_callback (function) – A python function that is called back each time a label needs to be inserted into a block. The prototype of this function is label_callback(type, name). type may be one of dataset, block or analyzer. This callback is used by the experiment class to complement diagram information before plotting.
  • edge_callback (function) – A python function that is called back each time an edge needs to be inserted into the graph. The prototype of this function is edge_callback(start). start is the name of the starting point for the connection, it should determine the dataformat for the connection.
  • result_callback (function) – A function to draw ports on analyzer blocks. The prototype of this function is result_callback(name, color).


graphviz.Digraph: With the graph ready for show-time.

A boolean that indicates if this toolchain is valid or not


The short description for this object


The full-length description for this object


Returns the hexadecimal hash for its declaration


Dumps the JSON declaration of this object in a string

Parameters:indent (int) – The number of indentation spaces at every indentation level
Returns:The JSON representation for this object
Return type:str

Writes contents to prefix location

Parameters:storage (Storage, Optional) – If you pass a new storage, then this object will be written to that storage point rather than its default.


Helper methods

Forward imports from beat.backend.python.utils


Generates a temporary directory


Order preserving (very fast) uniq function for sequences

beat.core.utils.send_multipart(socket, parts)[source]

Send the parts through the socket after having encoded them if necessary.


Returns the value of a free random port

beat.core.utils.find_free_port_in_range(min_port, max_port)[source]

Returns the value of a free port in range

beat.core.utils.id_generator(size=6, chars='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789')[source]

Simple id generator based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/2257449/5843716


Worker implementation

class beat.core.worker.WorkerController(address, port, callbacks=None)[source]

Bases: object

Implements the controller that will handle the workers allocated.

READY = b'rdy'

The worker is ready to be used

EXIT = b'ext'

The worker has exited

DONE = b'don'

The worker as successfully finished its task

JOB_ERROR = b'erj'

The worker failed to finish its task

ERROR = b'err'

The worker encountered an error

CANCELLED = b'cld'

The worker’s task has been canceled

EXECUTE = b'exe'

Execute the given job

CANCEL = b'cnl'

Cancel the given job

ACK = b'ack'



Shutdown the scheduler

class Callbacks[source]

Bases: object

Set of callbacks used when a worker is ready or went away

execute(worker, job_id, configuration)[source]

Executes the given job by the given worker using passed configuration

:param : param str worker: Address of the worker :param : param int job_id: Identifier of the job to execute :param : param dict configuration: Configuration for the job

cancel(worker, job_id)[source]

Cancels the given job on the given worker

:param : param str worker: Address of the worker :param : param int job_id: Identifier of the job to execute


Send acknowledge to worker

:param : param str worker: Address of the worker


Processing loop

Gets processing information through ZeroMQ and acts accordingly.

:param : param int timeout: Maximum time allocate for processing

Returns a tuple containing the worker address, job_id and
corresponding data if any or None in case of error.
Return type:tuple