Backend API

As it is currently setup, user code at toolchain blocks running on the platform consumes data stored on disk and produces data which is stored on disk so that subsequent code running on the following blocks can operate on the same principles. This approach allows users to potentially configure experiments with a hybrid set of algorithms that execute on different backends. Each backend can be implemented in a different programming language and contain any number of (pre-installed) libraries users can call on their algorithms.

This document describes the API required by such backend implementations. The package beat.env.python27 provides the reference Python backend implementation based on Python 2.7.

Filesystem Organization

At the filesystem level, each backend shall be organized so it is fully contained in a single-rooted directory tree. The backend installer should not make assumptions about the directory structure of the target operating systems, except, possibly, for the use of stock files. For example:

$ ls /path/to/beat.env.python27
-rw-r--r-- 1 beat beat  2829 Jul 20 19:57 LICENSE
-rw-r--r-- 1 beat beat  7268 Jul 20 19:57 Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 beat beat  1852 Jul 20 19:57
drwxr-xr-x 2 beat beat  4096 Jul 28 16:19 bin/
drwxr-xr-x 2 beat beat  4096 Jul 28 16:19 usr/
drwxr-xr-x 2 beat beat  4096 Jul 28 16:19 src/

There is a minimal set of required files in each environment:

  1. Makefile: A make file or equivalent script should be present to fully build the environment from scratch. This allows BEAT platform administrators to install the environment on a target machine.

  2. bin/describe: This is an executable that takes no arguments and describes the current environment, providing its name, version and a list of pre-installed libraries, toolboxes or any other information that may be relevant to users implementing algorithms for this backend. The output of the describe command should be a parseable JSON string. For example, our reference beat.env.python27 environment returns the following for a call to bin/describe:

      "name": "Scientific Python 2.7",
      "version": "0.0.4",
      "os": [
        "#20140313 SMP Thu Mar 13 15:12:40 CET 2014",
      "packages": {
        "beat.core": "0.9.4",
        "bob": "1.2.2",
        "matplotlib": "1.4.3",
        "numpy": "1.9.2",
        "oset": "0.1.3"

    Each pair of name and version for an environment must be unique so that platform users can uniquely select them.

  3. bin/execute: This is an executable that is called by the BEAT infrastructure to execute user code. The executable must be able to receive 2 arguments that correspond to a I/O server address and (temporary) directory containing the following files:

    $ ls -1 /tmp/beat.A976xy1/
    configuration.json  #the configuration for the algorithm in JSON format
    prefix              #the prefix with algorithm/libraries/formats required

    Optional flags may be provided for administrative purposes, but will not be using for running user code. For example, the reference implementation of bin/execute responds this way when passed the -h optional flag:

    $ /path/to/beat.env.python27/bin/execute -h
    Executes a single algorithm.
      execute [--debug] <addr> <dir>
      execute (--help)
      <addr>  Address of the server for I/O requests
      <dir>   Directory containing all configuration required to run the user
      -h, --help   Shows this help message and exit
      -d, --debug  Runs executor in debugging mode

    You should strongly consider implemeting similar functionality on your backend to ease debugging in case of problems.

Further to those files, it is prudent to include:

  1. README.rst: a file containing installation and management instructions. It should preferrably be written using a markup language such as MarkDown (.md extension) or reStructuredText (.rst extension). By reading this file, it should be possible for a remote party with a working knowledge of the target operating system, to completely install the environment without external help.

    The README should also include contact points and, if possible, a bug-tracking link where users can submit bug/update requests.

  2. LICENSE: a file that describes the usage license for the backend.

Message Passing

The BEAT infrastructure communicates with the bin/execute process via Zero Message Queue or ZMQ for short. ZMQ provides a portable bidirectional communication layer between the BEAT infrastructure and the target backend, with many language bindings, including python bindings.

The user process, which manages the data readout of a given algorithm, sends commands back to the infrastructure for requesting data when needed.


Where command is the command name to be executed and argument* are the corresponding arguments, sent using separate zmq.send() calls using the multipart sending technique (as with zmq.SNDMORE). In order to simplify representation, we denote multi-message commands in a single line. So, the command above will be represented in this document such as:

"command" "argument1" "..." "argumentn"

Commands may also exchange binary data. In such a case, we represent it in this manual using <binary>. The binary data format is the one defined by our BaseFormat class at the package beat.backend.python.

The next diagram represents some possible states between the BEAT infrastructure and the execute process in case of a successful execution:


Fig. 9 Message Sequence Chart between BEAT agents and user containers/algorithms

In the remainder of this section, we describe the various commands, which are supported by this communication protocol.

Command: has-more-data (hmd)

(User Process -> Infrastructure)

This command asks the infrastructure, whether there is more input data in a given input or not. The format of this command is:

"hmd channel [name]"

where name refers to the input name and is optional.

The BEAT infrastructure will answer by writing the following into the input pipe.


where boolean is a boolean indicating whether there is more data to process or not. The values may be tru, for True and fal, for False.

Command: is-dataunit-done (idd)

(User Process -> Infrastructure)

This command asks the infrastructure, whether the current chunk of data is going to change or not, next time the current data index is increased. The format of this command is:

"idd channel name"

The infrastructure will answer by writing the following into the input pipe.


where boolean is a boolean indicating whether there is more data to process or not. The values may be tru, for True and fal, for False.

Command: next (nxt)

(User Process -> Infrastructure)

This command asks the infrastructure to provide the next data on a given channel and/or input. If no input name is provided, then the infrastructure will return the data on all inputs of the given channel. The format of this command is:

"nxt channel [name]"

where name refers to the input name and is optional.

If an input name is provided, the infrastructure will answer by writing the following into the input pipe:

"dat N name1 <bin1> .. nameN-1 <binN-1>"

where N refers to the number of data chunks in the reply, name is the name of a given channel, and <bin> corresponds to the binary representation of the data contents. The binary data format uses the same format for disk storage used by the infrastructure so as to optimize I/O performance. Our reference backend implementation at beat.backend.python contains implementation details about the binary data format. As a backend developer, you must ensure your backend is fully capable of correctly interpreting the contents of the binary stream given the data formats associated with each input and output of the algorithm.

Command: write (wrt)

(User Process -> Infrastructure)

This command asks the infrastructure to write data on a given output. The format of this command is:

"wrt name <bin>"

The name identifies the output on which to write the data. The message <bin> is the raw data to write on the output, pre-encoded in the same binary data format as the one used for the input. The contents of the binary stream sent to the infrastructure will be checked again before being written to disk. In case of problems, a system error will be issued and the processing will stop. It is the task of the backend developer to insure conformity in order to avoid such errors.

The infrastructure acknowledges with:


In case all is OK or with the keyword err, if there was an error interpreting the binary data back. In such cases, the UP is expected to stop processing and issue a done command, waiting to be gracefully stopped by the infrastructure. If the UP does not issue the done command next, the UP is forcibly terminated with a operating system level signal.

Command: is-data-missing (idm)

(User Process -> Infrastructure)

This command asks the infrastructure whether there is missing data on a given output, by looking at the synchronization information. The format of this command is:

"idm name"

The infrastructure will answer by writing the following into the input pipe.


where boolean is a boolean indicating whether there is more data to process or not. The values may be tru, for True and fal, for False.

Command: output-is-connected (oic)

(User Process -> Infrastructure)

This command asks the infrastructure, whether a given output is connected or not. The format of this command is:

"ict name\n"

The infrastructure will answer by writing the following into the input pipe.


where boolean is a boolean indicating whether there is more data to process or not. The values may be tru, for True and fal, for False.

Command: done (don)

(User Process -> Infrastructure)

This command notifies the infrastructure that the execution of the user process has completed (i.e. it will not read or write any further data).

"done float"

Where float is a valid floating point number that represents the time wasted waiting for I/O on the user process. This number composes the statistics for processes.

Once the UP has sent this command, the infrastructure will retrieve the statistics (I/O, CPU and memory) and it will acknowlegde the UP, once this is done with:


At this point, the UP is expected to gracefully terminate.

Command: error (err)

(User Process -> Infrastructure)

This command notifies the infrastructure that the execution of the user process has err and will not request any further data. A message explaining the error condition is attached.

"err type message"

Once the UP has sent this command, the infrastructure will retrieve the statistics (I/O, CPU and memory) and it will acknowlegde the UP, once this is done with:


At this point, the UP is expected to gracefully terminate. The value for type maybe set to usr, indicating the error occurred inside the user code or anything else, indicating it was a system error (and must be reported to system administrators). In this case, the user only gets a generic message indicating a problem with the infrastructure was detected and that system administrators were informed.