
The commands available for plotterparameters are:

$ beat plotters --help
Usage: beat plotters [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Plotters commands

  -?, -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  check    Checks a local asset for validity.
  create   Creates a new local asset.
  diff     Shows changes between the local asset and the remote version...
  edit     Edit local asset file Example: $ beat <asset_type> edit xxx
  fork     Forks a local asset Example: $ beat <asset_type> fork xxx yyy
  list     Lists the assets of this type available on the platform.
  path     Displays local path of asset files Example: $ beat <asset_type>...
  plot     Plots an image.
  pull     Downloads the specified plotters from the server.
  rm       Deletes a local asset Example: $ beat <asset_type> rm xxx
  status   Shows (editing) status for all available items of asset type...
  version  Creates a new version of an existing asset Example: $ beat...

For instance, a list of the plotters available locally can be obtained as follows:

$ beat plotters list

A list of the plotters available on the remote platform can be obtained by running the following command:

$ beat plotters list --remote

How to plot a figure?

The command beat plotters plot <name> can be used to plot data using a specific plotter.

There a many ways to plot data:

  • Using sample data:

$ beat plotter plot --sample_data plottername
  • passing some private input data (no sample_data required here), specific plotterparameter and output image name

$ beat plotter plot plottername --inputdata inputdata.json --outputimage outputimage.png --plotterparameter plotterparameter

* inputdata.json is the filename containing data
* outputimage is the name of the saved image
* plotter the name of the plotter (e.g.: plot/bar/1)
* plotterparameter the name of the plotterparameter (e.g.: plot/bar/1)
  • without specifing the output image:

$ beat plotter plot plottername --inputdata inputdata.json --plotterparameter plotterparameter

* The image gets saved under the plotter path with default name "output_image.png"

Take into account that some extra options are available such as ‘–show’ which will pop out the generated plots on your screen.