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#!/usr/bin/env python
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Data I/O classes and functions

import os
import re
import glob
import simplejson as json
import time
import abc
import zmq
import logging
import six

from functools import reduce
from collections import namedtuple

from .hash import hashFileContents
from .dataformat import DataFormat
from .algorithm import Algorithm
from .exceptions import RemoteException

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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[docs]def mixDataIndices(list_of_data_indices): """Given a collection of lists of data indices (belonging to separate but synchronized files/inputs), returns the most granular list of indices that span all the data For example, the mix of [(0, 2), (3, 4)] and [(0, 4)] is: [(0, 2), (3, 4)] The mix of [(0, 2), (3, 4)] and [(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 4)] is: [(0, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)] """ start = max([x[0][0] for x in list_of_data_indices]) end = min([x[-1][1] for x in list_of_data_indices]) result = [] current_start = start for index in range(start, end + 1): done = False for l in list_of_data_indices: for indices in l: if indices[1] == index: result.append((current_start, index)) current_start = index + 1 done = True break if done: break return result
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[docs]def getAllFilenames(filename, start_index=None, end_index=None): """Returns the names of all the files related to the given data file, taking the provided start and end indices into account. Parameters: filename (str): Name of the data file (path/to/cache/<hash>.data) start_index (int): The starting index (if not set or set to ``None``, the default, equivalent to ``0``) end_index (int): The end index (if not set or set to ``None``, the default, equivalent to ``the last existing data``) Returns: (data_filenames, indices_filenames, data_checksum_filenames, indices_checksum_filenames) """ index_re = re.compile(r"^.*\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(data|index)(.checksum)?$") def file_start(f): """Returns the converted start indexes from a filename, otherwise 0""" r = index_re.match(f) if r: return int( return 0 # Retrieve all the related files basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) filenames = sorted(glob.glob(basename + ".*"), key=file_start) # (If necessary) Only keep files containing the desired indices if (start_index is not None) or (end_index is not None): filtered_filenames = [] for f in filenames: match = index_re.match(f) if match: start = int( end = int( if ((start_index is not None) and (end < start_index)) or ( (end_index is not None) and (start > end_index) ): continue filtered_filenames.append(f) filenames = filtered_filenames # Separate the filenames in different lists data_filenames = [x for x in filenames if re.match(r"^.*\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.data$", x)] indices_filenames = [ x for x in filenames if re.match(r"^.*\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.index$", x) ] data_checksum_filenames = [ x for x in filenames if re.match(r"^.*\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.data.checksum$", x) ] indices_checksum_filenames = [ x for x in filenames if re.match(r"^.*\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.index.checksum$", x) ] return ( data_filenames, indices_filenames, data_checksum_filenames, indices_checksum_filenames, )
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[docs]class DataSource(object): """Base class to load data from some source""" def __init__(self): self.infos = [] self.read_duration = 0 self.nb_bytes_read = 0 self.ready = False
[docs] def close(self): self.infos = []
def __del__(self): """Makes sure all resources are released when the object is deleted""" self.close() def __len__(self): if not self.ready: self._prepare() return len(self.infos) def __iter__(self): if not self.ready: self._prepare() for i in range(0, len(self.infos)): yield self[i] def __getitem__(self, index): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def first_data_index(self): if not self.ready: self._prepare() return self.infos[0].start_index
[docs] def last_data_index(self): if not self.ready: self._prepare() return self.infos[-1].end_index
[docs] def data_indices(self): if not self.ready: self._prepare() return [(x.start_index, x.end_index) for x in self.infos]
[docs] def getAtDataIndex(self, data_index): if not self.ready: self._prepare() for index, infos in enumerate(self.infos): if (infos.start_index <= data_index) and (data_index <= infos.end_index): return self[index] return (None, None, None)
[docs] def statistics(self): """Return the statistics about the number of bytes read""" return (self.nb_bytes_read, self.read_duration)
def _prepare(self): self.ready = True
# ----------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class CachedDataSource(DataSource): """Utility class to load data from a file in the cache""" def __init__(self): super(CachedDataSource, self).__init__() self.filenames = None self.encoding = None # Must be 'binary' or 'json' self.prefix = None self.dataformat = None self.current_file = None self.current_file_index = None self.unpack = True def _readHeader(self, file): """Read the header of the provided file""" # Read file format self.encoding = file.readline()[:-1] if not isinstance(self.encoding, str): self.encoding = self.encoding.decode("utf8") if self.encoding not in ("binary", "json"): raise RuntimeError( "valid formats for data reading are 'binary' " "or 'json': the format `%s' is invalid" % self.encoding ) # Read data format dataformat_name = file.readline()[:-1] if self.dataformat is None: if not isinstance(dataformat_name, str): dataformat_name = dataformat_name.decode("utf8") if dataformat_name.startswith("analysis:"): algo_name = dataformat_name.split(":")[1] algo = Algorithm(self.prefix, algo_name) if not algo.valid: raise RuntimeError( "the dataformat `%s' is the result of an " "algorithm which is not valid" % algo_name ) self.dataformat = algo.result_dataformat() else: self.dataformat = DataFormat(self.prefix, dataformat_name) if not self.dataformat.valid: raise RuntimeError( "the dataformat `{}' is not valid\n{}".format( dataformat_name, self.dataformat.errors ) ) return True
[docs] def setup(self, filename, prefix, start_index=None, end_index=None, unpack=True): """Configures the data source Parameters: filename (str): Name of the file to read the data from prefix (str): Establishes the prefix of your installation. start_index (int): The starting index (if not set or set to ``None``, the default, read data from the begin of file) end_index (int): The end index (if not set or set to ``None``, the default, reads the data until the end) unpack (bool): Indicates if the data must be unpacked or not Returns: ``True``, if successful, or ``False`` otherwise. """ index_re = re.compile(r"^.*\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(data|index)(.checksum)?$") def check_consistency(data_filenames, checksum_filenames): """Perform some sanity check on the data/checksum files on disk: 1. One-to-one mapping between data and checksum files 2. Checksum comparison between hash(data) and checksum files 3. Contiguous indices if they are present """ # Make sure that we have a perfect match between data files and # checksum files checksum_filenames_noext = [ os.path.splitext(f)[0] for f in checksum_filenames ] if data_filenames != checksum_filenames_noext: raise IOError( "number of data files and checksum files for `%s' " "does not match (%d != %d)" % (filename, len(data_filenames), len(checksum_filenames_noext)) ) # list of start/end indices to check that there are contiguous indices = [] for f_data, f_chck in zip(data_filenames, checksum_filenames): expected_chksum = open(f_chck, "rt").read().strip() current_chksum = hashFileContents(f_data) if expected_chksum != current_chksum: raise IOError( "data file `%s' has a checksum (%s) that differs " "from expected one (%s)" % (f_data, current_chksum, expected_chksum) ) r = index_re.match(f_data) if r: indices.append((int(, int( indices = sorted(indices, key=lambda v: v[0]) ok_indices = True if len(indices) > 1: ok_indices = sum( [ (indices[i + 1][0] - indices[i][1] == 1) for i in range(len(indices) - 1) ] ) if not ok_indices: raise IOError( "data file `%s|%s' has missing indices." % (f_data, f_chck) ) self.prefix = prefix self.unpack = unpack # Retrieve the list of all needed files ( self.filenames, indices_filenames, data_checksum_filenames, indices_checksum_filenames, ) = getAllFilenames(filename, start_index, end_index) if len(self.filenames) == 0: logger.warning("No files found for %s" % filename) return False check_consistency(self.filenames, data_checksum_filenames) # Load all the needed infos from all the files FileInfos = namedtuple( "FileInfos", ["file_index", "start_index", "end_index", "offset", "size"] ) for file_index, current_filename in enumerate(self.filenames): try: f = open(current_filename, "rb") except Exception as e: logger.warning("Could not setup `%s': %s" % (filename, e)) return False # Reads the header of the current file self._readHeader(f) offset = f.tell() # Process each data unit from the file while True: line = f.readline() if not line: break offset += len(line) (start, end, data_size) = [int(x) for x in line.split()] if ((start_index is None) or (start >= start_index)) and ( (end_index is None) or (end <= end_index) ): self.infos.append( FileInfos( file_index=file_index, start_index=start, end_index=end, offset=offset, size=data_size, ) ), 1) offset += data_size f.close() return True
[docs] def close(self): if self.current_file is not None: self.current_file.close() super(CachedDataSource, self).close()
def __getitem__(self, index): """Retrieve a block of data Returns: A tuple (data, start_index, end_index) """ if not self.ready: self._prepare() if (index < 0) or (index >= len(self.infos)): return (None, None, None) infos = self.infos[index] if self.current_file_index != infos.file_index: if self.current_file is not None: self.current_file.close() self.current_file = None try: self.current_file = open(self.filenames[infos.file_index], "rb") except Exception as e: raise IOError( "Could not read `%s': %s" % (self.filenames[infos.file_index], e) ) self.current_file_index = infos.file_index, 0) t1 = time.time() encoded_data = t2 = time.time() self.read_duration += t2 - t1 self.nb_bytes_read += infos.size if self.unpack: data = self.dataformat.type() data.unpack(encoded_data) else: data = encoded_data return (data, infos.start_index, infos.end_index)
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[docs]class DatabaseOutputDataSource(DataSource): """Utility class to load data from an output of a database view""" def __init__(self): super(DatabaseOutputDataSource, self).__init__() self.prefix = None self.dataformat = None self.view = None self.output_name = None self.pack = True
[docs] def setup( self, view, output_name, dataformat_name, prefix, start_index=None, end_index=None, pack=False, ): """Configures the data source Parameters: prefix (str): Establishes the prefix of your installation. start_index (int): The starting index (if not set or set to ``None``, the default, read data from the begin of file) end_index (int): The end index (if not set or set to ``None``, the default, reads the data until the end) unpack (bool): Indicates if the data must be unpacked or not Returns: ``True``, if successful, or ``False`` otherwise. """ self.prefix = prefix self.view = view self.output_name = output_name self.pack = pack self.dataformat = DataFormat(self.prefix, dataformat_name) if not self.dataformat.valid: raise RuntimeError("the dataformat `%s' is not valid" % dataformat_name) # Load all the needed infos from all the files Infos = namedtuple("Infos", ["start_index", "end_index"]) objects = self.view.objects() start = None end = None previous_value = None attribute = self.view.get_output_mapping(output_name) for index, obj in enumerate(objects): if start is None: start = index previous_value = getattr(obj, attribute) elif getattr(obj, attribute) != previous_value: end = index - 1 previous_value = None if ((start_index is None) or (start >= start_index)) and ( (end_index is None) or (end <= end_index) ): self.infos.append(Infos(start_index=start, end_index=end)) start = index previous_value = getattr(obj, attribute) end = index if ((start_index is None) or (start >= start_index)) and ( (end_index is None) or (end <= end_index) ): self.infos.append(Infos(start_index=start, end_index=end)) return True
def __getitem__(self, index): """Retrieve a block of data Returns: A tuple (data, start_index, end_index) """ if not self.ready: self._prepare() if (index < 0) or (index >= len(self.infos)): return (None, None, None) infos = self.infos[index] t1 = time.time() data = self.view.get(self.output_name, infos.start_index) t2 = time.time() self.read_duration += t2 - t1 if isinstance(data, dict): d = self.dataformat.type() d.from_dict(data, casting="safe", add_defaults=False) data = d if self.pack: data = data.pack() self.nb_bytes_read += len(data) return (data, infos.start_index, infos.end_index)
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[docs]class RemoteDataSource(DataSource): """Utility class to load data from a data source accessible via a socket""" def __init__(self): super(RemoteDataSource, self).__init__() self.socket = None self.input_name = None self.dataformat = None self.unpack = True
[docs] def setup(self, socket, input_name, dataformat_name, prefix, unpack=True): """Configures the data source Parameters: socket (zmq.Socket): The socket to use to access the data. input_name (str): Name of the input corresponding to the data source. dataformat_name (str): Name of the data format. prefix (str): Establishes the prefix of your installation. unpack (bool): Indicates if the data must be unpacked or not Returns: ``True``, if successful, or ``False`` otherwise. """ self.socket = socket self.input_name = input_name self.unpack = unpack self.dataformat = DataFormat(prefix, dataformat_name) if not self.dataformat.valid: raise RuntimeError("the dataformat `%s' is not valid" % dataformat_name) return True
def __getitem__(self, index): """Retrieve a block of data Returns: A tuple (data, start_index, end_index) """ if not self.ready: self._prepare() if (index < 0) or (index >= len(self.infos)): return (None, None, None) infos = self.infos[index] logger.debug("send: (get) get %s %d", self.input_name, index) t1 = time.time() self.socket.send_string("get", zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket.send_string(self.input_name, zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket.send_string("%d" % index) answer = self.socket.recv().decode("utf-8") if answer == "err": self.read_duration += time.time() - t1 kind = self.socket.recv() message = self.socket.recv() raise RemoteException(kind, message) start = int(answer) end = int(self.socket.recv()) packed = self.socket.recv() t2 = time.time() logger.debug("recv: <bin> (size=%d), indexes=(%d, %d)", len(packed), start, end) self.nb_bytes_read += len(packed) if self.unpack: data = self.dataformat.type() data.unpack(packed) else: data = packed self.read_duration += t2 - t1 return (data, infos.start_index, infos.end_index) def _prepare(self): # Load the needed infos from the socket Infos = namedtuple("Infos", ["start_index", "end_index"]) logger.debug("send: (ifo) infos %s", self.input_name) self.socket.send_string("ifo", zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket.send_string(self.input_name) answer = self.socket.recv().decode("utf-8") logger.debug("recv: %s", answer) if answer == "err": kind = self.socket.recv() message = self.socket.recv() raise RemoteException(kind, message) nb = int(answer) for i in range(nb): start = int(self.socket.recv()) end = int(self.socket.recv()) self.infos.append(Infos(start_index=start, end_index=end)) self.ready = True
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[docs]class DataSink(object): """Interface of all the Data Sinks Data Sinks are used by the outputs of an algorithm to write/transmit data. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def write(self, data, start_data_index, end_data_index): """Writes a block of data Parameters: data (baseformat.baseformat): The block of data to write start_data_index (int): Start index of the written data end_data_index (int): End index of the written data """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def isConnected(self): """Returns whether the data sink is connected""" pass
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the data sink""" pass
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[docs]class StdoutDataSink(DataSink): """Data Sink that prints informations about the written data on stdout Note: The written data is lost! Use this class for debugging purposes """ def __init__(self): super(StdoutDataSink, self).__init__() self.dataformat = None self.prefix = "" self.display_data = True
[docs] def setup(self, dataformat, prefix=None, display_data=True): self.dataformat = dataformat self.display_data = display_data if prefix is not None: self.prefix = prefix if self.prefix != "": self.prefix += " "
[docs] def write(self, data, start_data_index, end_data_index): """Write a block of data Parameters: data (baseformat.baseformat) The block of data to write start_data_index (int): Start index of the written data end_data_index (int): End index of the written data """ if self.display_data: print( "%s(%d -> %d): %s" % (self.prefix, start_data_index, end_data_index, str(data)) ) else: print( "%s(%d -> %d): <data>" % (self.prefix, start_data_index, end_data_index) )
[docs] def isConnected(self): return True
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[docs]class CachedDataSink(DataSink): """Data Sink that save data in the Cache The default behavior is to save the data in a binary format. """ def __init__(self): self.filename = None self.encoding = None self.dataformat = None self.start_index = None self.end_index = None self.data_file = None self.index_file = None self.last_written_data_index = None self.nb_bytes_written = 0 self.write_duration = 0
[docs] def setup(self, filename, dataformat, start_index, end_index, encoding="binary"): """Configures the data sink Parameters: filename (str): Name of the file to generate dataformat (dataformat.DataFormat): The dataformat to be used inside this file. All objects stored inside this file will respect that format. encoding (str): String defining the encoding to be used for encoding the data. Only a few options are supported: ``binary`` (the default) or ``json`` (debugging purposes). """ # Close current file if open self.close() if encoding not in ("binary", "json"): raise RuntimeError( "valid formats for data writing are 'binary' " "or 'json': the format `%s' is invalid" % format ) if == "__unnamed_dataformat__": raise RuntimeError("cannot record data using an unnamed data format") filename, data_ext = os.path.splitext(filename) self.filename = "%s.%d.%d%s" % (filename, start_index, end_index, data_ext) self.encoding = encoding self.dataformat = dataformat self.start_index = start_index self.end_index = end_index self.nb_bytes_written = 0 self.write_duration = 0 self.last_written_data_index = None try: self.data_file = open(self.filename, "wb") except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to open data file {}: {}".format(self.filename, e)) return False index_filename = self.filename.replace(".data", ".index") try: self.index_file = open(index_filename, "wt") except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to open index file {}: {}".format(index_filename, e)) return False # Write the dataformat self.data_file.write(six.b("%s\n%s\n" % (self.encoding, self.data_file.flush() return True
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the data sink """ if self.data_file is not None: self.data_file.close() self.index_file.close() data_filename = index_filename = # If file is not complete, delete it if (self.last_written_data_index is None) or ( self.last_written_data_index < self.end_index ): if self.last_written_data_index is None: message = "No data written" else: message = "No enough data written: last written {} vs end {}".format( self.last_written_data_index, self.end_index ) logger.warning("Removing cache files: {}".format(message)) artifacts_removed = True for filename in [data_filename, index_filename]: try: os.remove(filename) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Failed to remove {}: {}".format(filename, e)) artifacts_removed = False return artifacts_removed # Creates the checksums for all data and indexes chksum_data = hashFileContents(data_filename) with open(data_filename + ".checksum", "wt") as f: f.write(chksum_data) chksum_index = hashFileContents(index_filename) with open(index_filename + ".checksum", "wt") as f: f.write(chksum_index) self.data_file = None self.index_file = None self.last_written_data_index = None return True
def __del__(self): """Make sure the files are closed when the object is deleted """ self.close()
[docs] def write(self, data, start_data_index, end_data_index): """Writes a block of data to the filesystem Parameters: data (baseformat.baseformat): The block of data to write start_data_index (int): Start index of the written data end_data_index (int): End index of the written data """ # If the user passed a dictionary - convert it if isinstance(data, dict): data = self.dataformat.type(**data) else: # Checks that the input data conforms to the expected format if data.__class__._name != raise TypeError( "input data uses format `%s' while this sink " "expects `%s'" % (data.__class__._name, self.dataformat) ) if self.data_file is None: raise RuntimeError("No destination file") # Encoding if self.encoding == "binary": encoded_data = data.pack() else: from .utils import NumpyJSONEncoder encoded_data = json.dumps(data.as_dict(), indent=4, cls=NumpyJSONEncoder) # Adds a new line by the end of the encoded data encoded_data += six.b("\n") informations = six.b( "%d %d %d\n" % (start_data_index, end_data_index, len(encoded_data)) ) t1 = time.time() self.data_file.write(informations + encoded_data) self.data_file.flush() indexes = "%d %d\n" % (start_data_index, end_data_index) self.index_file.write(indexes) self.index_file.flush() t2 = time.time() self.nb_bytes_written += len(informations) + len(encoded_data) + len(indexes) self.write_duration += t2 - t1 self.last_written_data_index = end_data_index
[docs] def statistics(self): """Return the statistics about the number of bytes written to the cache""" return (self.nb_bytes_written, self.write_duration)
[docs] def isConnected(self): return self.filename is not None
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[docs]def load_data_index(cache_root, hash_path): """Loads a cached-data index if it exists. Returns empty otherwise. Parameters: cache_root (str): The path to the root of the cache directory hash_path (str): The hashed path of the input you wish to load the indexes for, as it is returned by the utility function :py:func:`.hash.toPath`. Returns: A list, which will be empty if the index file is not present. Note that, given the current design, an empty list means an error condition. """ name_no_extension = os.path.splitext(hash_path)[0] # remove .data index_stem = os.path.join(cache_root, name_no_extension) index_glob = index_stem + "*.index" candidates = glob.glob(index_glob) if not candidates: raise RuntimeError( "No index file matching the pattern `%s' found." % index_glob ) retval = [] end_index = 0 for filename in candidates: with open(filename, "rt") as f: data = [k.split() for k in f.readlines() if k.strip()] start = [int(k[0]) for k in data] end = int(data[-1][1]) # last index # Checks if the sum exists and is correct expected_chksum = open(filename + ".checksum", "rt").read().strip() current_chksum = hashFileContents(filename) if expected_chksum != current_chksum: raise RuntimeError( "index file `%s' has a " "checksum (%s) that differs from expected one (%s)" % (filename, current_chksum, expected_chksum) ) retval.extend(start) if end > end_index: end_index = end return sorted(retval) + [end_index + 1]
# ----------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def load_data_index_db(cache_root, hash_path): filename = os.path.join(cache_root, hash_path) if not os.path.exists(filename): return None retval = [] with open(filename, "rb") as f: data = json.loads( current = data[0] column_names = current.keys() for col in range(0, len(column_names)): retval.append([0]) for row, entry in enumerate(data[1:]): for col, name in enumerate(column_names): if entry[name] != current[name]: retval[col].append(row + 1) current[name] = entry[name] for col in range(0, len(column_names)): retval[col].append(len(data)) return retval
# ---------------------------------------------------------- def _foundCommonIndices(lst): """Returns the list of common indices, given a list of list of indices """ if lst == []: return lst lst_set = [set(k) for k in lst] common_indices = sorted(list(reduce(set.intersection, lst_set))) return common_indices # ----------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def foundSplitRanges(lst, n_split): """Splits a list of lists of indices into n splits for parallelization purposes. """ if [] in lst or lst == []: return [] ci_lst = _foundCommonIndices(lst) res = [] average_length = (float)(ci_lst[-1]) / n_split c = 0 s = 0 for i in range(1, len(ci_lst)): if ci_lst[i] >= (c + 1) * average_length and c < n_split - 1: res.append((ci_lst[s], ci_lst[i] - 1)) s = i c += 1 elif i == len(ci_lst) - 1: res.append((ci_lst[s], ci_lst[i] - 1)) return res