
News bulletins in the upper valaisan german dialect, broadcasted by Radio Rottu Oberwallis

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The walliserdeutsch/rro corpus comprises daily news bulletins broadcast by Radio Rottu Oberwallis (http://rro.ch) from late 2012 to mid 2013. The language is the dialect of Swiss German spoken in upper Wallis.

The purpose was to investigate building speech recognition and synthesis technology in walliserdeutsch. As well as tying into a general Idiap focus towards Swiss languages, it was also done with the Valais*Wallis Digital project, and the 2015 celebrations, in mind. The data from radio rottu was used as it was, to our knowledge, the only substantial source of walliserdeutsch available. The transcriptions were taken from radio rottu source for the spring of 2013, but transcribed directly from the audio for other data.


Philip N. Garner, David Imseng, and Thomas Meyer. Automatic speech recognition and translation of a Swiss German dialect: Walliserdeutsch. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Singapore, September 2014.