Source code for bob.pad.face.utils.load_utils

from import min_face_size_validator
from import normalize_annotations
from import reader
from bob.ip.base import scale, block, block_output_shape, block_generator
from bob.ip.color import rgb_to_yuv, rgb_to_hsv
from bob.ip.facedetect import bounding_box_from_annotation
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial
import numpy
import random

[docs]def frames(path): """Yields the frames of a video file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the video file. Yields ------ :any:`numpy.array` A frame of the video. The size is (3, 240, 320). """ video = reader(path) return iter(video)
[docs]def number_of_frames(path): """returns the number of frames of a video file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the video file. Returns ------- int The number of frames. Then, it yields the frames. """ video = reader(path) return video.number_of_frames
[docs]def bbx_cropper(frame, annotations): for source in ("direct", "eyes", None): try: bbx = bounding_box_from_annotation(source=source, **annotations) break except Exception: if source is None: raise return frame[..., : bbx.bottom, bbx.left : bbx.right]
[docs]def min_face_size_normalizer(annotations, max_age=15, **kwargs): return normalize_annotations( annotations, partial(min_face_size_validator, **kwargs), max_age=max_age )
[docs]def yield_faces(padfile, cropper, normalizer=None): """Yields face images of a padfile. It uses the annotations from the database. The annotations are further normalized. Parameters ---------- padfile : :any:`bob.pad.base.database.PadFile` The padfile to return the faces. cropper : callable A face image cropper that works with database's annotations. normalizer : callable If not None, it should be a function that takes all the annotations of the whole video and yields normalized annotations frame by frame. It should yield same as ``annotations.items()``. Yields ------ numpy.array Face images Raises ------ ValueError If the database returns None for annotations. """ frames_gen = padfile.frames # read annotation annotations = padfile.annotations if annotations is None: raise ValueError("No annotations were returned.") if normalizer is not None: annotations = OrderedDict(normalizer(annotations)) # normalize annotations and crop faces for frame_id, frame in enumerate(frames_gen): annot = annotations.get(str(frame_id), None) if annot is None: continue face = cropper(frame, annotations=annot) if face is not None: yield face
[docs]def scale_face(face, face_height, face_width=None): """Scales a face image to the given size. Parameters ---------- face : :any:`numpy.array` The face image. It can be 2D or 3D in bob image format. face_height : int The height of the scaled face. face_width : :obj:`None`, optional The width of the scaled face. If None, face_height is used. Returns ------- :any:`numpy.array` The scaled face. """ face_width = face_height if face_width is None else face_width shape = list(face.shape) shape[-2:] = (face_height, face_width) scaled_face = numpy.empty(shape, dtype="float64") scale(face, scaled_face) return scaled_face
[docs]def blocks(data, block_size, block_overlap=(0, 0)): """Extracts patches of an image Parameters ---------- data : :any:`numpy.array` The image in gray-scale, color, or color video format. block_size : (int, int) The size of patches block_overlap : (:obj:`int`, :obj:`int`), optional The size of overlap of patches Returns ------- :any:`numpy.array` The patches. Raises ------ ValueError If data dimension is not between 2 and 4 (inclusive). """ data = numpy.asarray(data) # if a gray scale image: if data.ndim == 2: output = block(data, block_size, block_overlap, flat=True) # if a color image: elif data.ndim == 3: out_shape = list(data.shape[0:1]) + list( block_output_shape(data[0], block_size, block_overlap, flat=True) ) output = numpy.empty(out_shape, dtype=data.dtype) for i, img2d in enumerate(data): block(img2d, block_size, block_overlap, output[i], flat=True) output = numpy.moveaxis(output, 0, 1) # if a color video: elif data.ndim == 4: output = [blocks(img3d, block_size, block_overlap) for img3d in data] output = numpy.concatenate(output, axis=0) else: raise ValueError("Unknown data dimension {}".format(data.ndim)) return output
[docs]def blocks_generator(data, block_size, block_overlap=(0, 0)): """Yields patches of an image Parameters ---------- data : :any:`numpy.array` The image in gray-scale, color, or color video format. block_size : (int, int) The size of patches block_overlap : (:obj:`int`, :obj:`int`), optional The size of overlap of patches Yields ------ :any:`numpy.array` The patches. Raises ------ ValueError If data dimension is not between 2 and 4 (inclusive). """ data = numpy.asarray(data) if 1 < data.ndim < 4: for patch in block_generator(data, block_size, block_overlap): yield patch # if a color video: elif data.ndim == 4: for frame in data: for patch in block_generator(frame, block_size, block_overlap): yield patch else: raise ValueError("Unknown data dimension {}".format(data.ndim))
[docs]def color_augmentation(image, channels=("rgb",)): """Converts an RGB image to different color channels. Parameters ---------- image : numpy.array The image in RGB Bob format. channels : :obj:`tuple`, optional List of channels to convert the image to. It can be any of ``rgb``, ``yuv``, ``hsv``. Returns ------- numpy.array The image that contains several channels: ``(3*len(channels), height, width)``. """ final_image = [] if "rgb" in channels: final_image.append(image) if "yuv" in channels: final_image.append(rgb_to_yuv(image)) if "hsv" in channels: final_image.append(rgb_to_hsv(image)) return numpy.concatenate(final_image, axis=0)
[docs]def random_sample(A, size): """Randomly selects ``size`` samples from the array ``A``""" return A[numpy.random.choice(A.shape[0], size, replace=False), ...]
[docs]def random_patches(image, block_size, n_random_patches=1): """Extracts N random patches of block_size from an image""" h, w = image.shape[-2:] bh, bw = block_size if h < block_size[0] or w < block_size[1]: raise ValueError("block_size must be smaller than image shape") hl = numpy.random.randint(0, h - bh, size=n_random_patches) wl = numpy.random.randint(0, w - bw, size=n_random_patches) for ch, cw in zip(hl, wl): yield image[..., ch : ch + bh, cw : cw + bw]
[docs]def extract_patches(image, block_size, block_overlap=(0, 0), n_random_patches=None): """Yields either all patches from an image or N random patches.""" if n_random_patches is None: return blocks_generator(image, block_size, block_overlap) else: return random_patches(image, block_size, n_random_patches=n_random_patches)
[docs]def the_giant_video_loader( paddb, padfile, region="whole", scaling_factor=None, cropper=None, normalizer=None, patches=False, block_size=(96, 96), block_overlap=(0, 0), random_patches_per_frame=None, augment=None, multiple_bonafide_patches=1, keep_pa_samples=None, keep_bf_samples=None, ): """Loads a video pad file frame by frame and optionally applies transformations. Parameters ---------- paddb Ignored. padfile The pad file region : str Either `whole` or `crop`. If whole, it will return the whole frame. Otherwise, you need to provide a cropper and a normalizer. scaling_factor : float If given, will scale images to this factor. cropper The cropper to use normalizer The normalizer to use patches : bool If true, will extract patches from images. block_size : tuple Size of the patches block_overlap : tuple Size of overlap of the patches random_patches_per_frame : int If not None, will only take this much patches per frame augment If given, frames will be transformed using this function. multiple_bonafide_patches : int Will use more random patches for bonafide samples keep_pa_samples : float If given, will drop some PA samples. keep_bf_samples : float If given, will drop some BF samples. Returns ------- object A generator that yields the samples. Raises ------ ValueError If region is not whole or crop. """ if region == "whole": generator = padfile.frames elif region == "crop": generator = yield_faces(padfile, cropper=cropper, normalizer=normalizer) else: raise ValueError("Invalid region value: `{}'".format(region)) if scaling_factor is not None: generator = (scale(frame, scaling_factor) for frame in generator) if patches: if random_patches_per_frame is None: generator = ( patch for frame in generator for patch in blocks_generator(frame, block_size, block_overlap) ) else: if padfile.attack_type is None: random_patches_per_frame *= multiple_bonafide_patches generator = ( patch for frame in generator for patch in random_sample( blocks(frame, block_size, block_overlap), random_patches_per_frame ) ) if augment is not None: generator = (augment(frame) for frame in generator) if keep_pa_samples is not None and padfile.attack_type is not None: generator = (frame for frame in generator if random.random() < keep_pa_samples) if keep_bf_samples is not None and padfile.attack_type is None: generator = (frame for frame in generator if random.random() < keep_bf_samples) return generator