Source code for bob.pad.face.database.aggregated_db

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

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from bob.pad.face.database import VideoPadFile

from bob.pad.base.database import PadDatabase

# Import HLDI for the databases to aggregate:
from bob.pad.face.database import replay as replay_hldi

from bob.pad.face.database import replay_mobile as replay_mobile_hldi

from bob.pad.face.database import msu_mfsd as msu_mfsd_hldi

from import MobioBioFile

from import FrameSelector, FrameContainer

import numpy as np

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[docs]class AggregatedDbPadFile(VideoPadFile): """ A high level implementation of the File class for the Aggregated Database uniting 4 databases: REPLAY-ATTACK, REPLAY-MOBILE, MSU MFSD and Mobio. """ def __init__(self, f): """ **Parameters:** ``f`` : :py:class:`object` An instance of the File class defined in the low level db interface of Replay-Attack, or Replay-Mobile, or MSU MFSD, or Mobio database, respectively: in the file or in the file or in the file or in the file. """ self.f = f # this f is actually an instance of the File class that is defined in # bob.db.<database_name>.models and the PadFile class here needs # client_id, path, attack_type, file_id for initialization. We have to # convert information here and provide them to PadFile. attack_type is a # little tricky to get here. Based on the documentation of PadFile: # In cased of a spoofed data, this parameter should indicate what kind of spoofed attack it is. # The default None value is interpreted that the PadFile is a genuine or real sample. import bob.db.mobio if isinstance(f, bob.db.mobio.models.File ): # MOBIO files doen't have is_real() method attack_type = None else: if f.is_real(): attack_type = None else: attack_type = 'attack' # attack_type is a string and I decided to make it like this for this # particular database. You can do whatever you want for your own database. file_path = self.encode_file_path(f) file_id = self.encode_file_id(f) super(AggregatedDbPadFile, self).__init__( client_id=f.client_id, path=file_path, attack_type=attack_type, file_id=file_id) # =========================================================================
[docs] def encode_file_id(self, f, n=2000): """ Return a modified version of the ```` ensuring uniqueness of the ids across all databases. **Parameters:** ``f`` : :py:class:`object` An instance of the File class defined in the low level db interface of Replay-Attack, or Replay-Mobile, or MSU MFSD, or Mobio database, respectively: in the file or in the file or in the file or in the file. ``n`` : :py:class:`int` An offset to be added to the file id for different databases is defined as follows: offset = k*n, where k is the database number, k = 0,1,2 in our case. Default: 2000. **Returns:** ``file_id`` : :py:class:`int` A modified version of the file id, which is now unigue accross all databases. """ import bob.db.replay import bob.db.replaymobile import bob.db.msu_mfsd_mod import bob.db.mobio if isinstance( f, bob.db.replay.models.File ): # check if instance of File class of LLDI of Replay-Attack file_id = if isinstance( f, bob.db.replaymobile.models.File ): # check if instance of File class of LLDI of Replay-Mobile file_id = + n) if isinstance(f, bob.db.msu_mfsd_mod.models.File ): # check if instance of File class of LLDI of MSU MFSD file_id = + 2 * n) if isinstance(f, bob.db.mobio.models.File ): # check if instance of File class of LLDI of Mobio file_id = + 3 * n) return file_id
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[docs] def encode_file_path(self, f): """ Append the name of the database to the end of the file path separated with "_". **Parameters:** ``f`` : :py:class:`object` An instance of the File class defined in the low level db interface of Replay-Attack, or Replay-Mobile, or MSU MFSD, or Mobio database, respectively: in the file or in the file or in the file or in the file. **Returns:** ``file_path`` : :py:class:`str` Modified path to the file, with database name appended to the end separated with "_". """ import bob.db.replay import bob.db.replaymobile import bob.db.msu_mfsd_mod import bob.db.mobio if isinstance( f, bob.db.replay.models.File ): # check if instance of File class of LLDI of Replay-Attack file_path = '_'.join([f.path, 'replay']) if isinstance( f, bob.db.replaymobile.models.File ): # check if instance of File class of LLDI of Replay-Mobile file_path = '_'.join([f.path, 'replaymobile']) if isinstance(f, bob.db.msu_mfsd_mod.models.File ): # check if instance of File class of LLDI of MSU MFSD file_path = '_'.join([f.path, 'msu_mfsd_mod']) if isinstance(f, bob.db.mobio.models.File ): # check if instance of File class of LLDI of Mobio file_path = '_'.join([f.path, 'mobio']) return file_path
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[docs] def load(self, directory=None, extension='.mov', frame_selector=FrameSelector(selection_style='all')): """ Overridden version of the load method defined in the ``VideoPadFile``. **Parameters:** ``directory`` : :py:class:`str` String containing the paths to all databases used in this aggregated database. The paths are separated with a space. ``extension`` : :py:class:`str` Extension of the video files in the REPLAY-ATTACK and REPLAY-MOBILE databases. The extension of files in MSU MFSD is not taken into account in the HighLevel DB Interface of MSU MFSD. Default: '.mov'. **Returns:** ``video_data`` : FrameContainer Video data stored in the FrameContainer, see ```` for further details. """ import bob.db.replay import bob.db.replaymobile import bob.db.msu_mfsd_mod import bob.db.mobio directories = directory.split(" ") if isinstance( self.f, bob.db.replay.models.File ): # check if instance of File class of LLDI of Replay-Attack db_pad_file = replay_hldi.ReplayPadFile( self.f) # replay_hldi is HLDI of Replay-Attack directory = directories[0] if isinstance( self.f, bob.db.replaymobile.models.File ): # check if instance of File class of LLDI of Replay-Mobile db_pad_file = replay_mobile_hldi.ReplayMobilePadFile( self.f) # replay_mobile_hldi is HLDI of Replay-Mobile directory = directories[1] if isinstance(self.f, bob.db.msu_mfsd_mod.models.File ): # check if instance of File class of LLDI of MSU MFSD db_pad_file = msu_mfsd_hldi.MsuMfsdPadFile( self.f) # msu_mfsd_hldi is HLDI of MSU MFSD directory = directories[2] if isinstance(self.f, bob.db.mobio.models.File ): # check if instance of File class of LLDI of Mobio db_pad_file = MobioBioFile( self.f) # msu_mfsd_hldi is HLDI of MSU MFSD directory = directories[3] if isinstance(db_pad_file, video_data = db_pad_file.load( directory=directory, extension='.mp4', frame_selector=frame_selector) else: video_data = db_pad_file.load( directory=directory, extension=extension, frame_selector=frame_selector) return video_data # video data
# ============================================================================= class AggregatedDbPadDatabase(PadDatabase): """ A high level implementation of the Database class for the Aggregated Database uniting 3 databases: REPLAY-ATTACK, REPLAY-MOBILE and MSU MFSD. Currently this database supports 5 protocols, which are listed in the ``available_protocols`` argument of this class. Available protocols are: 1. "grandtest" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD. 2. "photo-photo-video" - this protocol is used to test the system on unseen types of attacks. In this case the attacks are splitted as follows: 'train' set - only **photo** attacks are used for training, 'dev' set - only **photo** attacks are used for threshold tuning, 'eval' set - only **video** attacks are used in final evaluation. In this case the final performance is estimated on previously unseen **video** attacks. 3. "video-video-photo" - this protocol is used to test the system on unseen types of attacks. In this case the attacks are splitted as follows: 'train' set - only **video** attacks are used for training, 'dev' set - only **video** attacks are used for threshold tuning, 'eval' set - only **photo** attacks are used in final evaluation. In this case the final performance is estimated on previously unseen **photo** attacks. 4. "grandtest-mobio" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD plus some additional data from MOBIO dataset is used in the training set. 5. "grandtest-train-eval" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD. Only two gropus 'train' and 'eval' are available in this protocol. The 'dev' set is concatenated to the training data. When requesting 'dev' set, the data of the 'eval' set is returned. 6. "grandtest-train-eval-<num_train_samples>" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD. Only two gropus 'train' and 'eval' are available in this protocol. The 'dev' set is concatenated to the training data. When requesting 'dev' set, the data of the 'eval' set is returned. MOREOVER, in this protocol you can specify the number of training samples <num_train_samples>, which will be uniformly selected for each database (Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD) used in the Aggregated DB. For example, in the protocol "grandtest-train-eval-5", 5 training samples will be selected for Replay-Attack, 5 for Replay-Mobile, and 5 for MSU MFSD. The total number of training samples is 15 in this case. """ def __init__( self, protocol='grandtest', # grandtest is the default protocol for this database original_directory=None, original_extension=None, **kwargs): """ **Parameters:** ``protocol`` : :py:class:`str` or ``None`` The name of the protocol that defines the default experimental setup for this database. Default: 'grandtest'. ``original_directory`` : :py:class:`str` String containing the paths to all databases used in this aggregated database. The paths are separated with a space. Default: None. ``original_extension`` : :py:class:`str` Extension of the video files in the REPLAY-ATTACK and REPLAY-MOBILE databases. The extension of files in MSU MFSD is not taken into account in the HighLevel DB Interface of MSU MFSD. Default: None. ``kwargs`` The arguments of the :py:class:`` base class constructor. """ # Import LLDI for all databases: import bob.db.replay import bob.db.replaymobile import bob.db.msu_mfsd_mod import bob.db.mobio self.replay_db = bob.db.replay.Database() self.replaymobile_db = bob.db.replaymobile.Database() self.msu_mfsd_db = bob.db.msu_mfsd_mod.Database() self.mobio = bob.db.mobio.Database() # Since the high level API expects different group names than what the low # level API offers, you need to convert them when necessary self.low_level_group_names = ( 'train', 'devel', 'test') # group names in the low-level database interface self.high_level_group_names = ( 'train', 'dev', 'eval') # names are expected to be like that in objects() function # A list of available protocols: self.available_protocols = [ 'grandtest', 'photo-photo-video', 'video-video-photo', 'grandtest-mobio', 'grandtest-train-eval', 'grandtest-train-eval-<num_train_samples>'] # Always use super to call parent class methods. super(AggregatedDbPadDatabase, self).__init__( name='aggregated_db', protocol=protocol, original_directory=original_directory, original_extension=original_extension, **kwargs) # =========================================================================
[docs] def get_mobio_files_given_single_group(self, groups=None, purposes=None): """ Get a list of files for the MOBIO database. All files are bona-fide samples and used only for training. Thus, a non-empty list is returned only when groups='train' and purposes='real'. Only one file per client is selected. The files collected in Idiap are excluded from training set to make sure identities in 'train' set don't overlap with 'devel' and 'test' sets. **Parameters:** ``groups`` : :py:class:`str` The group of which the clients should be returned. One element of ('train', 'devel', 'test'). ``purposes`` : :py:class:`str` OR a list of strings. The purposes for which File objects should be retrieved. Usually it is either 'real' or 'attack'. **Returns:** ``mobio_files`` : [File] A list of files, as defined in the low level interface of the MOBIO database. """ mobio_files = [] if (groups is not None) and ('train' in groups) and ( purposes is not None) and ('real' in purposes): files_mobio = self.mobio.all_files() metadata = [] for f in files_mobio: metadata.append((f.client_id)) metadata_set = list( set(metadata)) # metadata_set is a list of unique client ids for f in files_mobio: metadata = (f.client_id) if metadata in metadata_set: # only one video per client id is selected metadata_set.remove(metadata) if "idiap" not in f.path: # videos collected at idiap are excluded to make sure identities in train set dont overlap with dev and test sets. mobio_files.append(f) return mobio_files
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[docs] def uniform_select_list_elements(self, data, n_samples): """ Uniformly select N elements from the input data list. **Parameters:** ``data`` : [] Input list to select elements from. ``n_samples`` : :py:class:`int` The number of samples to be selected uniformly from the input list. **Returns:** ``selected_data`` : [] Selected subset of elements. """ if len(data) <= n_samples: selected_data = data else: uniform_step = len(data) / np.float(n_samples + 1) idxs = [int(np.round(uniform_step * (x + 1))) for x in range(n_samples)] selected_data = [data[idx] for idx in idxs] return selected_data
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[docs] def get_files_given_single_group(self, groups=None, protocol=None, purposes=None, model_ids=None, **kwargs): """ This function returns 4 lists of files for Raplay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD and MOBIO databases, which fulfill the given restrictions. This function for the groups parameter accepts a single string ONLY, which determines the low level name of the group, see ``low_level_group_names`` argument of this class for available options. **Parameters:** ``groups`` : :py:class:`str` The group of which the clients should be returned. One element of ('train', 'devel', 'test'). ``protocol`` : :py:class:`str` The protocol for which the clients should be retrieved. Available options are defined in the ``available_protocols`` argument of the class. So far the following protocols are available: 1. "grandtest" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD. 2. "photo-photo-video" - this protocol is used to test the system on unseen types of attacks. In this case the attacks are splitted as follows: 'train' set - only **photo** attacks are used for training, 'dev' set - only **photo** attacks are used for threshold tuning, 'eval' set - only **video** attacks are used in final evaluation. In this case the final performance is estimated on previously unseen **video** attacks. 3. "video-video-photo" - this protocol is used to test the system on unseen types of attacks. In this case the attacks are splitted as follows: 'train' set - only **video** attacks are used for training, 'dev' set - only **video** attacks are used for threshold tuning, 'eval' set - only **photo** attacks are used in final evaluation. In this case the final performance is estimated on previously unseen **photo** attacks. 4. "grandtest-mobio" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD plus some additional data from MOBIO dataset is used in the training set. 5. "grandtest-train-eval" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD. Only two gropus 'train' and 'test' are available in this protocol. The 'devel' set is concatenated to the training data. When requesting 'devel' set, the data of the 'test' set is returned. 6. "grandtest-train-eval-<num_train_samples>" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD. Only two gropus 'train' and 'eval' are available in this protocol. The 'dev' set is concatenated to the training data. When requesting 'dev' set, the data of the 'eval' set is returned. MOREOVER, in this protocol you can specify the number of training samples <num_train_samples>, which will be uniformly selected for each database (Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD) used in the Aggregated DB. For example, in the protocol "grandtest-train-eval-5", 5 training samples will be selected for Replay-Attack, 5 for Replay-Mobile, and 5 for MSU MFSD. The total number of training samples is 15 in this case. ``purposes`` : :py:class:`str` OR a list of strings. The purposes for which File objects should be retrieved. Usually it is either 'real' or 'attack'. ``model_ids`` This parameter is not supported in PAD databases yet **Returns:** ``replay_files`` : [File] A list of files corresponding to Replay-Attack database. ``replaymobile_files`` : [File] A list of files corresponding to Replay-Mobile database. ``msu_mfsd_files`` : [File] A list of files corresponding to MSU MFSD database. ``mobio_files`` : [File] A list of files corresponding to MOBIO database or an empty list. """ if protocol == 'grandtest' or protocol is None or groups is None: replay_files = self.replay_db.objects( protocol=protocol, groups=groups, cls=purposes, **kwargs) replaymobile_files = self.replaymobile_db.objects( protocol=protocol, groups=groups, cls=purposes, **kwargs) msu_mfsd_files = self.msu_mfsd_db.objects( group=groups, cls=purposes, **kwargs) if protocol == 'photo-photo-video': # the group names are low-level here: ('train', 'devel', 'test') if groups == 'train' or groups == 'devel': replay_files = self.replay_db.objects( protocol='photo', groups=groups, cls=purposes, **kwargs) replaymobile_files = self.replaymobile_db.objects( protocol='grandtest', groups=groups, cls=purposes, sample_type='photo', **kwargs) msu_mfsd_files = self.msu_mfsd_db.objects( group=groups, cls=purposes, instrument=('print', ''), **kwargs) if groups == 'test': replay_files = self.replay_db.objects( protocol='video', groups=groups, cls=purposes, **kwargs) replaymobile_files = self.replaymobile_db.objects( protocol='grandtest', groups=groups, cls=purposes, sample_type='video', **kwargs) msu_mfsd_files = self.msu_mfsd_db.objects( group=groups, cls=purposes, instrument=('video_hd', 'video_mobile', ''), **kwargs) if protocol == 'video-video-photo': # the group names are low-level here: ('train', 'devel', 'test') if groups == 'train' or groups == 'devel': replay_files = self.replay_db.objects( protocol='video', groups=groups, cls=purposes, **kwargs) replaymobile_files = self.replaymobile_db.objects( protocol='grandtest', groups=groups, cls=purposes, sample_type='video', **kwargs) msu_mfsd_files = self.msu_mfsd_db.objects( group=groups, cls=purposes, instrument=('video_hd', 'video_mobile', ''), **kwargs) if groups == 'test': replay_files = self.replay_db.objects( protocol='photo', groups=groups, cls=purposes, **kwargs) replaymobile_files = self.replaymobile_db.objects( protocol='grandtest', groups=groups, cls=purposes, sample_type='photo', **kwargs) msu_mfsd_files = self.msu_mfsd_db.objects( group=groups, cls=purposes, instrument=('print', ''), **kwargs) mobio_files = [] if protocol == 'grandtest-mobio': replay_files = self.replay_db.objects( protocol='grandtest', groups=groups, cls=purposes, **kwargs) replaymobile_files = self.replaymobile_db.objects( protocol='grandtest', groups=groups, cls=purposes, **kwargs) msu_mfsd_files = self.msu_mfsd_db.objects( group=groups, cls=purposes, **kwargs) mobio_files = self.get_mobio_files_given_single_group( groups=groups, purposes=purposes) if protocol is not None: if 'grandtest-train-eval' in protocol: if groups == 'train': replay_files = self.replay_db.objects( protocol='grandtest', groups=['train', 'devel'], cls=purposes, **kwargs) replaymobile_files = self.replaymobile_db.objects( protocol='grandtest', groups=['train', 'devel'], cls=purposes, **kwargs) msu_mfsd_files = self.msu_mfsd_db.objects( group=['train', 'devel'], cls=purposes, **kwargs) if len(protocol) > len('grandtest-train-eval'): num_train_samples = [ int(s) for s in protocol.split("-") if s.isdigit()][-1] replay_files = self.uniform_select_list_elements( data=replay_files, n_samples=num_train_samples) replaymobile_files = self.uniform_select_list_elements( data=replaymobile_files, n_samples=num_train_samples) msu_mfsd_files = self.uniform_select_list_elements( data=msu_mfsd_files, n_samples=num_train_samples) if groups in ['devel', 'test']: replay_files = self.replay_db.objects( protocol='grandtest', groups='test', cls=purposes, **kwargs) replaymobile_files = self.replaymobile_db.objects( protocol='grandtest', groups='test', cls=purposes, **kwargs) msu_mfsd_files = self.msu_mfsd_db.objects( group='test', cls=purposes, **kwargs) return replay_files, replaymobile_files, msu_mfsd_files, mobio_files
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[docs] def get_files_given_groups(self, groups=None, protocol=None, purposes=None, model_ids=None, **kwargs): """ This function returns 4 lists of files for Raplay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD and MOBIO databases, which fulfill the given restrictions. This function for the groups parameter accepts a single string OR a list of strings with multiple groups. Group names are low level, see ``low_level_group_names`` argument of the class for available options. Keyword parameters: ``groups`` : :py:class:`str` OR a list of strings. The groups of which the clients should be returned. Usually, groups are one or more elements of ('train', 'devel', 'test'). ``protocol`` : :py:class:`str` The protocol for which the clients should be retrieved. Available options are defined in the ``available_protocols`` argument of the class. So far the following protocols are available: 1. "grandtest" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD. 2. "photo-photo-video" - this protocol is used to test the system on unseen types of attacks. In this case the attacks are splitted as follows: 'train' set - only **photo** attacks are used for training, 'dev' set - only **photo** attacks are used for threshold tuning, 'eval' set - only **video** attacks are used in final evaluation. In this case the final performance is estimated on previously unseen **video** attacks. 3. "video-video-photo" - this protocol is used to test the system on unseen types of attacks. In this case the attacks are splitted as follows: 'train' set - only **video** attacks are used for training, 'dev' set - only **video** attacks are used for threshold tuning, 'eval' set - only **photo** attacks are used in final evaluation. In this case the final performance is estimated on previously unseen **photo** attacks. 4. "grandtest-mobio" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD plus some additional data from MOBIO dataset is used in the training set. 5. "grandtest-train-eval" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD. Only two gropus 'train' and 'test' are available in this protocol. The 'devel' set is concatenated to the training data. When requesting 'devel' set, the data of the 'test' set is returned. 6. "grandtest-train-eval-<num_train_samples>" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD. Only two gropus 'train' and 'eval' are available in this protocol. The 'dev' set is concatenated to the training data. When requesting 'dev' set, the data of the 'eval' set is returned. MOREOVER, in this protocol you can specify the number of training samples <num_train_samples>, which will be uniformly selected for each database (Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD) used in the Aggregated DB. For example, in the protocol "grandtest-train-eval-5", 5 training samples will be selected for Replay-Attack, 5 for Replay-Mobile, and 5 for MSU MFSD. The total number of training samples is 15 in this case. ``purposes`` : :py:class:`str` OR a list of strings. The purposes for which File objects should be retrieved. Usually it is either 'real' or 'attack'. ``model_ids`` This parameter is not supported in PAD databases yet **Returns:** ``replay_files`` : [File] A list of files corresponding to Replay-Attack database. ``replaymobile_files`` : [File] A list of files corresponding to Replay-Mobile database. ``msu_mfsd_files`` : [File] A list of files corresponding to MSU MFSD database. ``mobio_files`` : [File] A list of files corresponding to MOBIO database or an empty list. """ if isinstance(groups, str) or groups is None: # if a single group is given groups = [groups] replay_files = [] replaymobile_files = [] msu_mfsd_files = [] mobio_files = [] for group in groups: files = self.get_files_given_single_group( groups=group, protocol=protocol, purposes=purposes, model_ids=model_ids, **kwargs) replay_files += files[0] replaymobile_files += files[1] msu_mfsd_files += files[2] mobio_files += files[3] return replay_files, replaymobile_files, msu_mfsd_files, mobio_files
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[docs] def objects(self, groups=None, protocol=None, purposes=None, model_ids=None, **kwargs): """ This function returns a list of AggregatedDbPadFile objects, which fulfill the given restrictions. Keyword parameters: ``groups`` : :py:class:`str` OR a list of strings. The groups of which the clients should be returned. Usually, groups are one or more elements of ('train', 'dev', 'eval') ``protocol`` : :py:class:`str` The protocol for which the clients should be retrieved. Available options are defined in the ``available_protocols`` argument of the class. So far the following protocols are available: 1. "grandtest" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD. 2. "photo-photo-video" - this protocol is used to test the system on unseen types of attacks. In this case the attacks are splitted as follows: 'train' set - only **photo** attacks are used for training, 'dev' set - only **photo** attacks are used for threshold tuning, 'eval' set - only **video** attacks are used in final evaluation. In this case the final performance is estimated on previously unseen **video** attacks. 3. "video-video-photo" - this protocol is used to test the system on unseen types of attacks. In this case the attacks are splitted as follows: 'train' set - only **video** attacks are used for training, 'dev' set - only **video** attacks are used for threshold tuning, 'eval' set - only **photo** attacks are used in final evaluation. In this case the final performance is estimated on previously unseen **photo** attacks. 4. "grandtest-mobio" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD plus some additional data from MOBIO dataset is used in the training set. 5. "grandtest-train-eval" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD. Only two gropus 'train' and 'eval' are available in this protocol. The 'dev' set is concatenated to the training data. When requesting 'dev' set, the data of the 'eval' set is returned. 6. "grandtest-train-eval-<num_train_samples>" - this protocol is using all the data available in the databases Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD. Only two gropus 'train' and 'eval' are available in this protocol. The 'dev' set is concatenated to the training data. When requesting 'dev' set, the data of the 'eval' set is returned. MOREOVER, in this protocol you can specify the number of training samples <num_train_samples>, which will be uniformly selected for each database (Replay-Attack, Replay-Mobile, MSU MFSD) used in the Aggregated DB. For example, in the protocol "grandtest-train-eval-5", 5 training samples will be selected for Replay-Attack, 5 for Replay-Mobile, and 5 for MSU MFSD. The total number of training samples is 15 in this case. ``purposes`` : :py:class:`str` OR a list of strings. The purposes for which File objects should be retrieved. Usually it is either 'real' or 'attack'. ``model_ids`` This parameter is not supported in PAD databases yet **Returns:** ``files`` : [AggregatedDbPadFile] A list of AggregatedDbPadFile objects. """ # Convert group names to low-level group names here. groups = self.convert_names_to_lowlevel( groups, self.low_level_group_names, self.high_level_group_names) # Since this database was designed for PAD experiments, nothing special # needs to be done here. replay_files, replaymobile_files, msu_mfsd_files, mobio_files = self.get_files_given_groups( groups=groups, protocol=protocol, purposes=purposes, model_ids=model_ids, **kwargs) files = replay_files + replaymobile_files + msu_mfsd_files + \ mobio_files # append all files to a single list files = [AggregatedDbPadFile(f) for f in files] return files
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[docs] def annotations(self, f): """ Return annotations for a given file object ``f``, which is an instance of ``AggregatedDbPadFile`` defined in the HLDI of the Aggregated DB. The ``load()`` method of ``AggregatedDbPadFile`` class (see above) returns a video, therefore this method returns bounding-box annotations for each video frame. The annotations are returned as dictionary of dictionaries. **Parameters:** ``f`` : :py:class:`object` An instance of ``AggregatedDbPadFile`` defined above. **Returns:** ``annotations`` : :py:class:`dict` A dictionary containing the annotations for each frame in the video. Dictionary structure: ``annotations = {'1': frame1_dict, '2': frame1_dict, ...}``. Where ``frameN_dict = {'topleft': (row, col), 'bottomright': (row, col)}`` is the dictionary defining the coordinates of the face bounding box in frame N. """ import bob.db.replay import bob.db.replaymobile import bob.db.msu_mfsd_mod directories = self.original_directory.split(" ") if isinstance( f.f, bob.db.replay.models.File ): # check if instance of File class of LLDI of Replay-Attack hldi_db = replay_hldi.ReplayPadDatabase( original_directory=directories[0]) if isinstance( f.f, bob.db.replaymobile.models.File ): # check if instance of File class of LLDI of Replay-Mobile hldi_db = replay_mobile_hldi.ReplayMobilePadDatabase( original_directory=directories[1]) if isinstance(f.f, bob.db.msu_mfsd_mod.models.File ): # check if instance of File class of LLDI of MSU MFSD hldi_db = msu_mfsd_hldi.MsuMfsdPadDatabase( original_directory=directories[2]) if self.protocol == "grandtest-mobio" or isinstance( f.f, bob.db.mobio.models.File ): # annotations are not available for this protocol annotations = {} else: annotations = hldi_db.annotations(f) return annotations