Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# @author: Manuel Guenther <>
# @author: Pavel Korshunov <>
# @date: Wed 19 Aug 13:43:21 2015

import os
from import utils

[docs]@utils.Singleton class FileSelector(object): """This class provides shortcuts for selecting different files for different stages of the snti-spoofing process. It communicates with the database and provides lists of file names for all steps of the tool chain. **Parameters:** database : :py:class:`bob.pad.base.database.PadDatabase` or derived. The database object that provides the list of files. preprocessed_directory : str The directory, where preprocessed data should be written to. extractor_file : str The filename, where the extractor should be written to (if any). extracted_directory : str The directory, where extracted features should be written to. projector_file : str The filename, where the projector should be written to (if any). projected_directory : str The directory, where projected features should be written to (if required). score_directories : (str, str) The directories, where score files for no-norm should be written to. default_extension : str The default extension of all intermediate files. compressed_extension : str The extension for writing compressed score files. By default, no compression is performed. """ def __init__( self, database, preprocessed_directory, extractor_file, extracted_directory, projector_file, projected_directory, score_directories, default_extension='.hdf5', compressed_extension='' ): """Initialize the file selector object with the current configuration.""" self.database = database self.extractor_file = extractor_file self.projector_file = projector_file self.score_directories = score_directories self.default_extension = default_extension self.compressed_extension = compressed_extension self.directories = { 'original': database.original_directory, 'preprocessed': preprocessed_directory, 'extracted': extracted_directory, 'projected': projected_directory } def get_paths(self, files, directory_type=None, combined=True): """Returns the lists of file names [real, attacks] for the given File objects.""" try: directory = self.directories[directory_type] except KeyError: raise ValueError("The given directory type '%s' is not supported." % directory_type) # only one set of files if len(files) != 2: return self.database.file_names(files, directory, self.default_extension) realfiles = files[0] attackfiles = files[1] realpaths = self.database.file_names(realfiles, directory, self.default_extension) attackpaths = self.database.file_names(attackfiles, directory, self.default_extension) if combined: return realpaths + attackpaths else: return [realpaths, attackpaths] # List of files that will be used for all files def original_data_list(self, groups = None): """Returns the list of original ``PadFile`` objects that can be used for preprocessing.""" files = self.database.all_files(groups=groups) if len(files) != 2: fileset = files else: fileset = files[0]+files[1] return fileset def original_directory_and_extension(self): """Returns the directory and extension of the original files.""" return self.database.original_directory, self.database.original_extension def original_data_list_files(self, groups=None): """Returns the joint list of original (real and attack) data files that can be used for preprocessing.""" fileset = self.original_data_list(groups=groups) return fileset, self.database.original_directory, self.database.original_extension def preprocessed_data_list(self, groups=None): """Returns the tuple of lists (real, attacks) of preprocessed data files.""" return self.get_paths(self.database.all_files(groups=groups), "preprocessed") def feature_list(self, groups=None): """Returns the tuple of lists (real, attacks) of extracted feature files.""" return self.get_paths(self.database.all_files(groups=groups), "extracted") def projected_list(self, groups=None): """Returns the tuple of lists (real, attacks) of projected feature files.""" return self.get_paths(self.database.all_files(groups=groups), "projected") # Training lists def training_list(self, directory_type, step, combined=False): """ Returns a list of lists (real, attacks) or just list of all real and attack features depending on combined that should be used for projector training. The directory_type might be any of 'preprocessed', 'extracted', or 'projected'. The step might by any of 'train_extractor', 'train_projector', or 'train_enroller'. """ return self.get_paths(self.database.training_files(step), directory_type, combined) def toscore_objects(self, group): """Returns the File objects used to compute the raw scores.""" # get the test files for all models return self.database.all_files(groups=(group,)) def score_file_combined(self, group): """Returns the resulting score text file for the given group.""" no_norm_dir = self.score_directories[0] return os.path.join(no_norm_dir, "scores-" + group) + self.compressed_extension def score_file_for_type(self, group, obj_type): """Returns the resulting score text file for the given group.""" no_norm_dir = self.score_directories[0] return os.path.join(no_norm_dir, "scores-" + group + "-" + obj_type) + self.compressed_extension def annotation_list(self, groups=None): """Returns the list of annotations objects.""" files = self.database.all_files(groups=groups) if len(files) != 2: return files else: return files[0] + files[1] def get_annotations(self, annotation_file): """Returns the annotations of the given file.""" return self.database.annotations(annotation_file)