Source code for bob.extension

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Andre Anjos <>
# Mon 28 Jan 2013 16:40:27 CET

"""A custom build class for Pkg-config based extensions

import os
import sys
import platform
import pkg_resources
from setuptools.extension import Extension as DistutilsExtension
from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext
import distutils.sysconfig

from pkg_resources import resource_filename

from .pkgconfig import pkgconfig
from .boost import boost
from .utils import uniq, uniq_paths, find_executable, find_library
from .cmake import CMakeListsGenerator

__version__ = pkg_resources.require(__name__)[0].version

[docs]def check_packages(packages): """Checks if the requirements for the given packages are satisfied. Parameters: :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`str`: Each representing a requirement that must be statistfied. Package requirements can be set like this:: "pkg > VERSION" In this case, the package version should be greater than the given version number. Comparisons are done using :py:mod:`distutils.version.LooseVersion`. You can use other comparators such as ``<``, ``<=``, ``>=`` or ``==``. If no version number is given, then we only require that the package is installed. Raises: ``RuntimeError``: in case requirements are not satisfied. This means either not finding a package if no version number is specified or verifying that the package version does not match the required version by the builder. """ from re import split used = set() retval = [] for requirement in uniq(packages): splitreq = split(r'\s*(?P<cmp>[<>=]+)\s*', requirement) if len(splitreq) not in (1, 3): raise RuntimeError("cannot parse requirement `%s'", requirement) p = pkgconfig(splitreq[0]) if len(splitreq) == 3: # package + version number if splitreq[1] == '>': assert p > splitreq[2], "%s version is not > `%s'" % (, splitreq[2]) elif splitreq[1] == '>=': assert p >= splitreq[2], "%s version is not >= `%s'" % (, splitreq[2]) elif splitreq[1] == '<': assert p < splitreq[2], "%s version is not < `%s'" % (p, splitreq[2]) elif splitreq[1] == '<=': assert p <= splitreq[2], "%s version is not <= `%s'" % (p, splitreq[2]) elif splitreq[1] == '==': assert p <= splitreq[2], "%s version is not == `%s'" % (p, splitreq[2]) else: raise RuntimeError("cannot parse requirement `%s'", requirement) retval.append(p) if in used: raise RuntimeError("package `%s' had already been requested - cannot (currently) handle recurring requirements") used.add( return retval
[docs]def generate_self_macros(extname, version): """Generates standard macros with library, module names and prefix""" if version is None: return [] s = extname.rsplit('.', 1) retval = [ ('BOB_EXT_MODULE_PREFIX', '"%s"' % s[0]), ('BOB_EXT_MODULE_NAME', '"%s"' % s[1]), ] if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: retval.append(('BOB_EXT_ENTRY_NAME', 'PyInit_%s' % s[1])) else: retval.append(('BOB_EXT_ENTRY_NAME', 'init%s' % s[1])) if version: retval.append(('BOB_EXT_MODULE_VERSION', '"%s"' % version)) return retval
[docs]def reorganize_isystem(args): """Re-organizes the -isystem includes so that more specific paths come first""" remainder = [] includes = [] skip = False for i in range(len(args)): if skip: skip = False continue if args[i] == '-isystem': includes.append(args[i+1]) skip = True else: remainder.append(args[i]) includes = uniq_paths(includes[::-1])[::-1] # sort includes so that the shortest system includes go last # this algorithm will ensure '/usr/include' comes after other # overwrites includes.sort(key=lambda item: (-len(item), item)) retval = [tuple(remainder)] + [('-isystem', k) for k in includes] from itertools import chain return list(chain.from_iterable(retval))
[docs]def normalize_requirements(requirements): """Normalizes the requirements keeping only the most tight""" from re import split parsed = {} for requirement in requirements: splitreq = split(r'\s*(?P<cmp>[<>=]+)\s*', requirement) if len(splitreq) not in (1, 3): raise RuntimeError("cannot parse requirement `%s'", requirement) if len(splitreq) == 1: # only package parsed.setdefault(splitreq[0], []) if len(splitreq) == 3: # package + version number parsed.setdefault(splitreq[0], []).append(tuple(splitreq[1:])) # at this point, all requirements are organised: # requirement -> [(op, version), (op, version), ...] leftovers = [] for key, value in parsed.items(): value = uniq(value) if not value: leftovers.append(key) continue for v in value: leftovers.append(' '.join((key, v[0], v[1]))) return leftovers
[docs]def get_bob_libraries(bob_packages): """Returns a list of include directories, libraries and library directories for the given bob libraries.""" includes = [] libraries = [] library_directories = [] macros = [] # iterate through the list of bob packages if bob_packages is not None: # TODO: need to handle versions? bob_packages = normalize_requirements([k.strip().lower() for k in bob_packages]) for package in bob_packages: import importlib pkg = importlib.import_module(package) location = os.path.dirname(pkg.__file__) includes.append(os.path.join(location, 'include')) # check if the package contains a get_include_directories() function if hasattr(pkg, 'get_include_directories'): includes.extend(pkg.get_include_directories()) if hasattr(pkg, 'get_macros'): macros.extend(pkg.get_macros()) lib_name = package.replace('.', '_') libs = find_library(lib_name, prefixes=[location]) # add the FIRST lib that we found, if any if len(libs): libraries.append(lib_name) library_directories.append(os.path.dirname(libs[0])) return includes, libraries, library_directories, macros
[docs]def get_full_libname(name, path=None, version=None): """Generates the name of the library from the given name, path and version.""" libname = 'lib' + name.replace('.', '_') if sys.platform == 'darwin': libname += ('.' + version if version is not None else '') + '.dylib' elif sys.platform == 'win32': libname += '.dll' + ('.' + version if version is not None else '') else: # linux like libname += '.so' + ('.' + version if version is not None else '') if path is not None: return os.path.join(path, libname) else: return libname
[docs]def load_bob_library(name, _file_): """Loads the bob Library for the given package name in the given version (if given). The _file_ parameter is expected to be the ``__file__`` member of the main ```` of the package. It is used to determine the directory, where the library should be loaded from. Keyword parameters name : string The name of the bob package to load the library from, e.g. ``bob.core`` _file_ : string The ``__file__`` member of the ```` file in which the library is loaded. """ full_libname = get_full_libname(name, os.path.dirname(_file_)) import ctypes ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(full_libname)
[docs]class Extension(DistutilsExtension): """Extension building with pkg-config packages. See the documentation for :py:class:`distutils.extension.Extension` for more details on input parameters. """ def __init__(self, name, sources, **kwargs): """Initialize the extension with parameters. External package extensions (mostly coming from pkg-config), adds a single parameter to the standard arguments of the constructor: packages : [string] This should be a list of strings indicating the name of the bob (pkg-config) modules you would like to have linked to your extension **additionally** to ``bob-python``. Candidates are module names like "bob-machine" or "bob-math". For convenience, you can also specify "opencv" or other 'pkg-config' registered packages as a dependencies. boost_modules : [string] A list of boost modules that we need to link against. bob_packages : [string] A list of bob libraries (such as ``'bob.core'``) containing C++ code that should be included and linked system_include_dirs : [string] A list of include directories that are not in one of our packages, and which should be included with the -isystem compiler option """ packages = [] if 'packages' in kwargs: if isinstance(kwargs['packages'], str): packages.append(kwargs['packages']) else: packages.extend(kwargs['packages']) del kwargs['packages'] # uniformize packages packages = normalize_requirements([k.strip().lower() for k in packages]) # check if we have bob libraries to link against if 'bob_packages' in kwargs: self.bob_packages = kwargs['bob_packages'] del kwargs['bob_packages'] else: self.bob_packages = None bob_includes, bob_libraries, bob_library_dirs, bob_macros = get_bob_libraries(self.bob_packages) # system include directories if 'system_include_dirs' in kwargs: system_includes = kwargs['system_include_dirs'] del kwargs['system_include_dirs'] else: system_includes = [] # Boost requires a special treatment boost_req = '' for i, pkg in enumerate(packages): if pkg.startswith('boost'): boost_req = pkg del packages[i] # We still look for the keyword 'boost_modules' boost_modules = [] if 'boost_modules' in kwargs: if isinstance(kwargs['boost_modules'], str): boost_modules.append(kwargs['boost_modules']) else: boost_modules.extend(kwargs['boost_modules']) del kwargs['boost_modules'] if boost_modules and not boost_req: boost_req = 'boost >= 1.0' # Was a version parameter given? version = None if 'version' in kwargs: version = kwargs['version'] del kwargs['version'] # Mixing parameters = { 'define_macros': generate_self_macros(name, version) + bob_macros, 'extra_compile_args': ['-std=c++0x'], #synonym for c++11? 'extra_link_args': [], 'library_dirs': [], 'libraries': bob_libraries, } # Compilation options if platform.system() == 'Darwin': parameters['extra_compile_args'] += ['-Wno-#warnings'] user_includes = kwargs.get('include_dirs', []) self.pkg_includes = [] self.pkg_libraries = [] self.pkg_library_directories = [] self.pkg_macros = [] # Updates for boost if boost_req: boost_pkg = boost(boost_req.replace('boost', '').strip()) # Adds macros parameters['define_macros'] += boost_pkg.macros() # Adds the include directory (enough for using just the template library) if boost_pkg.include_directory not in user_includes: system_includes.append(boost_pkg.include_directory) self.pkg_includes.append(boost_pkg.include_directory) # Adds specific boost libraries requested by the user if boost_modules: boost_libdirs, boost_libraries = boost_pkg.libconfig(boost_modules) parameters['library_dirs'].extend(boost_libdirs) self.pkg_library_directories.extend(boost_libdirs) parameters['libraries'].extend(boost_libraries) self.pkg_libraries.extend(boost_libraries) # Checks all other pkg-config requirements pkgs = check_packages(packages) for pkg in pkgs: # Adds parameters for each package, in order parameters['define_macros'] += pkg.package_macros() self.pkg_macros += pkg.package_macros() # Include directories are added with a special path for k in pkg.include_directories(): if k in user_includes or k in self.pkg_includes: continue system_includes.append(k) self.pkg_includes.append(k) parameters['library_dirs'] += pkg.library_directories() self.pkg_library_directories += pkg.library_directories() if'bob-') == 0: # one of bob's packages # make-up the names of versioned Bob libraries we must link against if platform.system() == 'Darwin': libs = ['%s.%s' % (k, pkg.version) for k in pkg.libraries()] elif platform.system() == 'Linux': libs = ['' % (k, pkg.version) for k in pkg.libraries()] else: raise RuntimeError("supports only MacOSX and Linux builds") else: libs = pkg.libraries() parameters['libraries'] += libs self.pkg_libraries += libs # if used libraries require extra compilation flags, add them to the mix parameters['extra_compile_args'].extend( pkg.cflags_other().get('extra_compile_args', []) ) parameters['extra_link_args'] += pkg.other_libraries() # add the -isystem to all system include dirs for k in system_includes: parameters['extra_compile_args'].extend(['-isystem', k]) # Filter and make unique for key in parameters.keys(): # Tune input parameters if they were set, but assure that our parameters come first if key in kwargs: kwargs[key] = parameters[key] + kwargs[key] else: kwargs[key] = parameters[key] if key in ('extra_compile_args'): continue kwargs[key] = uniq(kwargs[key]) # add our include dir by default self_include_dir = resource_filename(__name__, 'include') kwargs.setdefault('include_dirs', []).append(self_include_dir) kwargs['include_dirs'] = user_includes + bob_includes + kwargs['include_dirs'] # Uniq'fy parameters that are not on our parameter list kwargs['include_dirs'] = uniq_paths(kwargs['include_dirs']) # Stream-line '-isystem' includes kwargs['extra_compile_args'] = reorganize_isystem(kwargs['extra_compile_args']) # Make sure the language is correctly set to C++ kwargs['language'] = 'c++' # On Linux, set the runtime path if platform.system() == 'Linux': kwargs.setdefault('runtime_library_dirs', []) kwargs['runtime_library_dirs'] += kwargs['library_dirs'] kwargs['runtime_library_dirs'] = uniq_paths(kwargs['runtime_library_dirs']) # .. except for the bob libraries kwargs['library_dirs'] += bob_library_dirs # Uniq'fy library directories kwargs['library_dirs'] = uniq_paths(kwargs['library_dirs']) # Run the constructor for the base class DistutilsExtension.__init__(self, name, sources, **kwargs)
[docs]class Library (Extension): """A class to compile a pure C++ code library used within and outside an extension using CMake.""" def __init__(self, name, sources, version, bob_packages = [], packages = [], boost_modules=[], include_dirs = [], system_include_dirs = [], libraries = [], library_dirs = [], define_macros = []): """Initializes a pure C++ library that will be compiled with CMake. By default, the include directory of this package is automatically added to the ``include_dirs``. It is expected to be in the `include`` directory in the main package directory (which, e.g., is ``bob/core`` for package ``bob.core``). .. note:: This library, including the library and include directories, is also automatically added to **all other** :py:class:`Extension`'s that are compiled within this package. .. warning:: IMPORTANT! To compile this library with CMake, the :py:class:`build_ext` class provided in this module is required. Please include:: cmdclass = { 'build_ext': build_ext }, as a parameter to the ``setup`` function in your Keyword parameters: name : string The name of the library to generate, e.g., ``'bob.core.bob_core'`` sources : [string] A list of files (relative to the base directory) that should be compiled and linked by CMake version : string The version of the library, which is usually identical to the version of the package bob_packages : [string] A list of bob packages that the pure C++ code relies on. Libraries and include directories of these packages will be automatically added. packages : [string] A list of pkg-config based packages, see :py:class:`Extension`. Macros, libraries and include directories of these packages will be automatically added. boost_modules : [string] A list of boost modules that we need to link against. include_dirs : [string] An additional list of include directories that is not covered by ``bob_packages`` and ``packages`` system_include_dirs : [string] A list of include directories that are not in one of our packages, and which should be included with the SYSTEM option libraries : [string] An additional list of libraries that is not covered by ``bob_packages`` and ``packages`` library_dirs : [string] An additional list of library directories that is not covered by ``bob_packages`` and ``packages`` define_macros : [(string, string)] An additional list of preprocessor definitions that is not covered by ``packages`` """ name_split = name.split('.') if len(name_split) <= 1: raise ValueError("The name of the library must contain the package name, e.g., bob.core.bob_core") self.c_name = name_split[-1] self.c_package_directory = os.path.realpath('.') self.c_sub_directory = os.path.join(*(name_split[:-1])) self.c_sources = sources self.c_version = version self.c_self_include_directory = os.path.join(self.c_package_directory, self.c_sub_directory, 'include') self.c_include_directories = [self.c_self_include_directory] + include_dirs self.c_system_include_directories = system_include_dirs self.c_libraries = libraries[:] self.c_library_directories = library_dirs[:] self.c_define_macros = define_macros[:] # add includes and libs for bob packages as the PREFERRED path (i.e., in front) bob_includes, bob_libraries, bob_library_dirs, bob_macros = get_bob_libraries(bob_packages) self.c_include_directories = bob_includes + self.c_include_directories self.c_libraries = bob_libraries + self.c_libraries self.c_library_directories = bob_library_dirs + self.c_library_directories self.c_define_macros = bob_macros + self.c_define_macros # find the cmake executable cmake = find_executable("cmake") if not cmake: raise OSError("The Library class needs CMake version >= 2.8 to be installed, but CMake cannot be found") self.c_cmake = cmake[0] # call base class constructor, i.e., to handle the packages Extension.__init__(self, name, sources, packages=packages, boost_modules=boost_modules) # add the include directories for the packages as well self.c_system_include_directories.extend(self.pkg_includes) self.c_libraries.extend(self.pkg_libraries) self.c_library_directories.extend(self.pkg_library_directories) self.c_define_macros.extend(self.pkg_macros)
[docs] def compile(self, build_directory, compiler = None, stdout=None): """This function will automatically create a CMakeLists.txt file in the ``package_directory`` including the required information. Afterwards, the library is built using CMake in the given ``build_directory``. The build type is automatically taken from the debug option in the buildout.cfg. To change the compiler, use the ``compiler`` parameter. """ self.c_target_directory = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(build_directory), self.c_sub_directory) if not os.path.exists(self.c_target_directory): os.makedirs(self.c_target_directory) # generate CMakeLists.txt makefile generator = CMakeListsGenerator( name = self.c_name, sources = self.c_sources, target_directory = self.c_target_directory, version = self.c_version, include_directories = uniq_paths(self.c_include_directories), system_include_directories = uniq_paths(self.c_system_include_directories), libraries = uniq(self.c_libraries), library_directories = uniq_paths(self.c_library_directories), macros = uniq(self.c_define_macros) ) # compile our stuff in a different directory final_build_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(build_directory)), 'build_cmake', self.c_name) if not os.path.exists(final_build_dir): os.makedirs(final_build_dir) generator.generate(self.c_package_directory, final_build_dir) # compile in the build directory import subprocess env = {'VERBOSE' : '1'} env.update(os.environ) if compiler is not None: env['CXX'] = compiler # configure cmake command = [self.c_cmake, final_build_dir] if, cwd=final_build_dir, env=env, stdout=stdout) != 0: raise OSError("Could not generate makefiles with CMake") # run make make_call = ['make'] if "BOB_BUILD_PARALLEL" in os.environ: make_call += ['-j%s' % os.environ["BOB_BUILD_PARALLEL"]] if, cwd=final_build_dir, env=env, stdout=stdout) != 0: raise OSError("CMake compilation stopped with an error; stopping ...")
[docs]class build_ext(_build_ext): """Compile the C++ :py:class`Library`'s using CMake, and the python extensions afterwards See the documentation for :py:class:`distutils.command.build_ext` for more information. """
[docs] def finalize_options(self): # check if the "BOB_BUILD_DIRECTORY" environment variable is set env = os.environ if 'BOB_BUILD_DIRECTORY' in env and env['BOB_BUILD_DIRECTORY']: # HACKISH: check if we are currently developed by inspecting the way we got called if 'develop' in sys.argv: self.build_temp = os.path.join(env['BOB_BUILD_DIRECTORY'], 'build_temp') self.build_lib = os.path.join(env['BOB_BUILD_DIRECTORY'], 'build_lib') _build_ext.finalize_options(self)
[docs] def run(self): """Iterates through the list of Extension packages and reorders them, so that the Library's come first """ # here, we simply re-order the extensions such that we get the Library first self.extensions = [ext for ext in self.extensions if isinstance(ext, Library)] + [ext for ext in self.extensions if not isinstance(ext, Library)] # call the base class function return
[docs] def build_extension(self, ext): """Builds the given extension. When the extension is of type Library, it compiles the library with CMake, otherwise the default compilation mechanism is used. Afterwards, it adds the according library, and the include and library directories of the Library's, so that other Extensions can find the newly generated lib. """ # HACK: remove the "-Wstrict-prototypes" option keyword self.compiler.compiler = [c for c in self.compiler.compiler if c != "-Wstrict-prototypes"] self.compiler.compiler_so = [c for c in self.compiler.compiler_so if c != "-Wstrict-prototypes"] if "-Wno-strict-aliasing" not in self.compiler.compiler: self.compiler.compiler.append("-Wno-strict-aliasing") if "-Wno-strict-aliasing" not in self.compiler.compiler_so: self.compiler.compiler_so.append("-Wno-strict-aliasing") # check if it is our type of extension if isinstance(ext, Library): # TODO: get compiler and add it to the compiler # TODO: get the debug status and add the build_type parameter # build libraries using the provided functions # compile ext.compile(self.build_lib) libs = [ext.c_name] lib_dirs = [ext.c_target_directory] include_dirs = [ext.c_self_include_directory] # set the DEFAULT library path and include path for all other extensions for other_ext in self.extensions: if other_ext != ext: other_ext.libraries = libs + (other_ext.libraries if other_ext.libraries else []) other_ext.library_dirs = lib_dirs + (other_ext.library_dirs if other_ext.library_dirs else []) other_ext.include_dirs = include_dirs + (other_ext.include_dirs if other_ext.include_dirs else []) else: # all other libs are build with the default command _build_ext.build_extension(self, ext)
[docs] def get_ext_filename(self, fullname): """Returns the library path for the given name""" filename = _build_ext.get_ext_filename(self, fullname) if fullname in self.ext_map: ext = self.ext_map[fullname] if isinstance(ext, Library): # remove any extension that was artificially added by python basename = filename.replace(distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var("SO"), "") # HACK: (for some python versions the above code doesn't seem to work) index = basename.find("cpython-") if index > 0: basename = basename[:index-1] return get_full_libname(os.path.basename(basename), os.path.dirname(basename)) else: return _build_ext.get_ext_filename(self, fullname)
## Compile in parallel, when BOB_BUILD_PARALLEL is given # see if "BOB_BUILD_PARALLEL" in os.environ: # monkey-patch for parallel compilation def parallelCCompile(self, sources, output_dir=None, macros=None, include_dirs=None, debug=0, extra_preargs=None, extra_postargs=None, depends=None): # those lines are copied from distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler directly macros, objects, extra_postargs, pp_opts, build = self._setup_compile(output_dir, macros, include_dirs, sources, depends, extra_postargs) cc_args = self._get_cc_args(pp_opts, debug, extra_preargs) # parallel code N = min(int(os.environ["BOB_BUILD_PARALLEL"]), len(objects)) # number of parallel compilations import multiprocessing.pool def _single_compile(obj): try: src, ext = build[obj] except KeyError: return self._compile(obj, src, ext, cc_args, extra_postargs, pp_opts) # create process pool pool = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(N) # execute each compilation in a separate process, objects) # wait until all processes finished pool.close() pool.join() return objects import distutils.ccompiler distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler.compile=parallelCCompile
[docs]def get_config(package=__name__, externals=None, api_version=None): """Returns a string containing the configuration information for the given ``package`` name. By default, it returns the configuration of this package. This function can be reused by other packages. If these packages have external C or C++ dependencies, the ``externals`` dictionary can be specified. Also, if the package provides an API version, it can be specified. **Keyword parameters:** package : *str* The name of the package to get the configuration information from. Usually, the ``__name__`` of the package. externals : *{dep: description}* A dictionary of external C or C++ dependencies, with the ``dep``endent package name as key, and a free ``description`` as value. api_version : *int* (usually in hexadecimal) The API version of the ``package``, if any. """ import pkg_resources packages = pkg_resources.require(package) this = packages[0] deps = packages[1:] if api_version is not None: retval = "%s: %s [api=0x%04x] (%s)\n" % (this.key, this.version, api_version, this.location) else: retval = "%s: %s (%s)\n" % (this.key, this.version, this.location) if externals is not None: retval += "* C/C++ dependencies:\n" for k in sorted(externals): retval += " - %s: %s\n" % (k, externals[k]) if len(deps): retval += "* Python dependencies:\n" # sort python dependencies and make them unique deps_dict = {} for d in deps: deps_dict[d.key] = d for k in sorted(deps_dict): retval += " - %s: %s (%s)\n" % (deps_dict[k].key, deps_dict[k].version, deps_dict[k].location) return retval.strip()
# gets sphinx autodoc done right - don't remove it __all__ = [_ for _ in dir() if not _.startswith('_')]