Source code for bob.core

# import our own Library
import bob.extension
bob.extension.load_bob_library('bob.core', __file__)

from ._convert import convert
from . import log
from . import random
from . import version
from .version import module as __version__
from .version import api as __api_version__

[docs]def get_config(): """Returns a string containing the configuration information. """ return bob.extension.get_config(__name__, version.externals, version.api)
[docs]def get_macros(): """get_macros() -> macros Returns a list of preprocessor macros, such as ``[(HAVE_BOOST, 1)]``. This function is automatically used by :py:func:`bob.extension.get_bob_libraries` to retrieve the prerpocessor definitions that are required to use the C bindings of this library in dependent classes. You shouldn't normally need to call this function by hand. **Returns:** ``macros`` : [str] The list of preprocessor macros required to use the C bindings of this class. """ # try to use pkg_config first from bob.extension.boost import boost macros = [] try: b = boost() macros = b.macros() except: pass return macros
# gets sphinx autodoc done right - don't remove it __all__ = [_ for _ in dir() if not _.startswith('_')]