Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Pavel Korshunov <>
# Mon 12 Oct 14:43:22 CEST 2015

  Replay attack database implementation of interface.
  It is an extension of an SQL-based database interface, which directly talks to Replay database, for
  verification experiments (good to use in framework).
  It also implements a kind of hack so that you can run vulnerability analysis with it.

from .database import FaceBioFile
from import BioDatabase
from bob.db.base.utils import convert_names_to_highlevel, convert_names_to_lowlevel

class ReplayBioFile(FaceBioFile):
    """BioFile implementation for the bob.db.replay database"""

    def __init__(self, f):
        super(ReplayBioFile, self).__init__(client_id=f.client_id, path=f.path,
        self._f = f

    def load(self, directory=None, extension=None):
        video = self._f.load(directory, extension)
        # just return the 10th frame.
        return video[10]

class ReplayBioDatabase(BioDatabase):
    Replay attack database implementation of interface.
    It is an extension of an SQL-based database interface, which directly talks to Replay database, for
    verification experiments (good to use in framework).
    It also implements a kind of hack so that you can run vulnerability analysis with it.
    __doc__ = __doc__

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        from bob.db.replay import Database as LowLevelDatabase
        self._db = LowLevelDatabase()

        # call base class constructors to open a session to the database
        super(ReplayBioDatabase, self).__init__(name='replay', **kwargs)

        self.low_level_group_names = ('train', 'devel', 'test')
        self.high_level_group_names = ('world', 'dev', 'eval')

    def original_directory(self):
        return self._db.original_directory

    def original_directory(self, value):
        self._db.original_directory = value

[docs] def protocol_names(self): """Returns all registered protocol names Here I am going to hack and double the number of protocols with -licit and -spoof. This is done for running vulnerability analysis""" names = [ + '-licit' for p in self._db.protocols()] names += [ + '-spoof' for p in self._db.protocols()] return names
[docs] def groups(self): return convert_names_to_highlevel( self._db.groups(), self.low_level_group_names, self.high_level_group_names)
[docs] def annotations(self, file): """Will return the bounding box annotation of 10th frame of the video.""" fn = 10 # 10th frame number annots = file._f.bbx(directory=self.original_directory) # bob uses the (y, x) format topleft = (annots[fn][2], annots[fn][1]) bottomright = (annots[fn][2] + annots[fn][4], annots[fn][1] + annots[fn][3]) annotations = {'topleft': topleft, 'bottomright': bottomright} return annotations
[docs] def model_ids_with_protocol(self, groups=None, protocol=None, **kwargs): # since the low-level API does not support verification straight-forward-ly, we improvise. files = self.objects(groups=groups, protocol=protocol, purposes='enroll', **kwargs) return sorted(set(f.client_id for f in files))
[docs] def objects(self, groups=None, protocol=None, purposes=None, model_ids=None, **kwargs): if protocol == '.': protocol = None protocol = self.check_parameter_for_validity(protocol, "protocol", self.protocol_names(), 'grandtest-licit') groups = self.check_parameters_for_validity(groups, "group", self.groups(), self.groups()) purposes = self.check_parameters_for_validity(purposes, "purpose", ('enroll', 'probe'), ('enroll', 'probe')) purposes = list(purposes) groups = convert_names_to_lowlevel( groups, self.low_level_group_names, self.high_level_group_names) # protocol licit is not defined in the low level API # so do a hack here. if '-licit' in protocol: # for licit we return the grandtest protocol protocol = protocol.replace('-licit', '') # The low-level API has only "attack", "real", "enroll" and "probe" # should translate to "real" or "attack" depending on the protocol. # enroll does not to change. if 'probe' in purposes: purposes.remove('probe') purposes.append('real') if len(purposes) == 1: # making the model_ids to None will return all clients which make # the impostor data also available. model_ids = None elif model_ids: raise NotImplementedError( 'Currently returning both enroll and probe for specific ' 'client(s) in the licit protocol is not supported. ' 'Please specify one purpose only.') elif '-spoof' in protocol: protocol = protocol.replace('-spoof', '') # you need to replace probe with attack and real for the spoof protocols. # You can add the real here also to create positives scores also # but usually you get these scores when you run the licit protocol if 'probe' in purposes: purposes.remove('probe') purposes.append('attack') # now, query the actual Replay database objects = self._db.objects(groups=groups, protocol=protocol, cls=purposes, clients=model_ids, **kwargs) # make sure to return BioFile representation of a file, not the database one # also make sure you replace client ids with spoof/metatdata1/metadata2/... retval = [] for f in objects: if f.is_real(): retval.append(ReplayBioFile(f)) else: temp = ReplayBioFile(f) temp.client_id = 'attack/{}'.format(f.get_attack().attack_device) retval.append(temp) return retval
[docs] def arrange_by_client(self, files): client_files = {} for file in files: if str(file.client_id) not in client_files: client_files[str(file.client_id)] = [] client_files[str(file.client_id)].append(file) files_by_clients = [] for client in sorted(client_files.keys()): files_by_clients.append(client_files[client]) return files_by_clients