.. vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : .. author: Manuel Günther .. author: Tiago de Freitas Pereira .. author: Yannick Dayer .. date: Thu Sep 20 11:58:57 CEST 2012 .. _bob.bio.base.installation: ========================= Installation Instructions ========================= In order to run experiments with the ``bob.bio`` packages, you have to configure The recommended way to install a bob_ package is by using :py:mod:`bob.devtools` (bdt). In this section, everything you need to install will be layed out, but for more details, you should follow the instructions in the :py:mod:`bob.devtools` documentation `here `__. conda_ (or miniconda) and `git `__ need to be installed. Prerequisite: Create a bdt environment -------------------------------------- If you don't have an environment containing the :py:mod:`bob.devtools` utility, you should create a ``bdt`` environment:: $ conda create -n bdt -c https://www.idiap.ch/software/bob/conda bob bob.devtools Then before creating the development environment, you must activate the ``bdt`` environment:: $ conda activate bdt After this, you can proceed to the installation of the environment specific to developing a package. Create your development environment ----------------------------------- You must first have the source of :py:mod:`bob.bio.base`. You can fetch it as a git repository:: $ git clone https://gitlab.idiap.ch/bob/bob.bio.base $ cd bob.bio.base To work on :py:mod:`bob.bio.base` it is recommended to have a dedicated environment, preventing conflicts of version with different packages, and ensuring that needed dependencies are installed. To create this conda_ environment, ensure that your ``bdt`` conda environment is activated, and run:: $ bdt create -vv dev This will create a ``dev`` conda environment. You can proceed to activate this environment, but should first deactivate the ``bdt`` environment:: $ conda deactivate $ conda activate dev Build the executables --------------------- This step will finally create the commands and executables that you need to run anything in bob.bio.base. For that, we use buildout_. (Make sure that you are still in the bob.bio.base directory you checked out earlier, and your conda development environment is active):: $ buildout This will create a ``bin`` folder containing the executables, all linked correctly to the development environment. This folder contains notably: - **The bob executable**: This is the main entry point of your *bob* commands:: $ bin/bob bio --help - **A python executable**: Use it to run quick experiments in command line or to execute scripts:: $ bin/python - **Nosetests**: This is a test utility that certifies that everything is installed correctly:: $ bin/nosetests bob.bio.base - **Sphinx utilities**: Used to build the documentation:: $ bin/sphinx-build doc doc/build/html .. include:: links.rst