Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# @author: Manuel Guenther <>
# @date: Tue Oct  2 12:12:39 CEST 2012
import six

  'default'     : {},
  '2G'          : {'queue' : 'all.q',  'memfree' : '2G'},
  '4G'          : {'queue' : 'all.q',  'memfree' : '4G'},
  '4G-io-big'   : {'queue' : 'q1d',  'memfree' : '4G', 'io_big' : True},
  '8G'          : {'queue' : 'q1d',  'memfree' : '8G'},
  '8G-io-big'   : {'queue' : 'q1d',  'memfree' : '8G', 'io_big' : True},
  '16G'         : {'queue' : 'q1dm', 'memfree' : '16G', 'pe_opt' : 'pe_mth 2', 'hvmem' : '8G'},
  '16G-io-big'  : {'queue' : 'q1dm', 'memfree' : '16G', 'pe_opt' : 'pe_mth 2', 'hvmem' : '8G', 'io_big' : True},
  '32G'         : {'queue' : 'q1dm', 'memfree' : '32G', 'pe_opt' : 'pe_mth 4', 'hvmem' : '8G', 'io_big' : True},
  '64G'         : {'queue' : 'q1dm', 'memfree' : '64G', 'pe_opt' : 'pe_mth 8', 'hvmem' : '8G', 'io_big' : True},
  'Week'        : {'queue' : 'q1wm', 'memfree' : '32G', 'pe_opt' : 'pe_mth 4', 'hvmem' : '8G'},
  'GPU'         : {'queue' : 'gpu'}

from . import utils

[docs]class Grid (object): """This class is defining the options that are required to submit parallel jobs to the SGE grid, or jobs to the local queue. If the given ``grid_type`` is ``'sge'`` (the default), this configuration is set up to submit algorithms to the SGE grid. In this setup, specific SGE queues can be specified for different steps of the tool chain, and different numbers of parallel processes can be specified for each step. Currently, only the SGE at Idiap_ is tested and supported, for other SGE's we do not assure compatibility. If the given ``grid_type`` is ``'local'``, this configuration is set up to run using a local scheduler on a single machine. In this case, only the ``number_of_parallel_processes`` and ``scheduler_sleep_time`` options will be taken into account. **Parameters:** grid_type : one of ``('sge', 'local')`` The type of submission system, which should be used. Currently, only sge and local submissions are supported. number_of_preprocessing_jobs, number_of_extraction_jobs, number_of_projection_jobs, number_of_enrollment_jobs, number_of_scoring_jobs : int Only valid if ``grid_type = 'sge'``. The number of parallel processes that should be executed for preprocessing, extraction, projection, enrollment or scoring. training_queue, preprocessing_queue, extraction_queue, projection_queue, enrollment_queue, scoring_queue : str or dict Only valid if ``grid_type = 'sge'``. SGE queues that should be used for training, preprocessing, extraction, projection, enrollment or scoring. The queue can be defined using a dictionary of keywords that will directly passed to the :py:func:`` function, or one of our :py:data:`PREDEFINED_QUEUES`, which are adapted for Idiap_. number_of_parallel_processes : int Only valid if ``grid_type = 'local'``. The number of parallel processes, with which the preprocessing, extraction, projection, enrollment and scoring should be executed. scheduler_sleep_time : float The time (in seconds) that the local scheduler will sleep between its iterations. """ def __init__( self, # grid type, currently supported 'local' and 'sge' grid_type = 'sge', # parameters for the splitting of jobs into array jobs; ignored by the local scheduler number_of_preprocessing_jobs = 32, number_of_extraction_jobs = 32, number_of_projection_jobs = 32, number_of_enrollment_jobs = 32, number_of_scoring_jobs = 32, # queue setup for the SGE grid (only used if grid = 'sge', the default) training_queue = '8G', preprocessing_queue = 'default', extraction_queue = 'default', projection_queue = 'default', enrollment_queue = 'default', scoring_queue = 'default', # setup of the local submission and execution of job (only used if grid = 'local') number_of_parallel_processes = 1, scheduler_sleep_time = 1.0 # sleep time for scheduler in seconds ): self.grid_type = grid_type if self.is_local(): self._kwargs = dict(grid_type=grid_type, number_of_parallel_processes=number_of_parallel_processes, scheduler_sleep_time=scheduler_sleep_time) else: self._kwargs = dict( grid_type=grid_type, number_of_preprocessing_jobs=number_of_preprocessing_jobs, number_of_extraction_jobs=number_of_extraction_jobs, number_of_projection_jobs=number_of_projection_jobs, number_of_enrollment_jobs=number_of_enrollment_jobs, training_queue=training_queue, preprocessing_queue=preprocessing_queue, extraction_queue=extraction_queue, projection_queue=projection_queue, enrollment_queue=enrollment_queue, scoring_queue=scoring_queue ) # the numbers if self.is_local(): self.number_of_preprocessing_jobs = number_of_parallel_processes self.number_of_extraction_jobs = number_of_parallel_processes self.number_of_projection_jobs = number_of_parallel_processes self.number_of_enrollment_jobs = number_of_parallel_processes self.number_of_scoring_jobs = number_of_parallel_processes else: self.number_of_preprocessing_jobs = number_of_preprocessing_jobs self.number_of_extraction_jobs = number_of_extraction_jobs self.number_of_projection_jobs = number_of_projection_jobs self.number_of_enrollment_jobs = number_of_enrollment_jobs self.number_of_scoring_jobs = number_of_scoring_jobs # the queues self.training_queue = self.queue(training_queue) self.preprocessing_queue = self.queue(preprocessing_queue) self.extraction_queue = self.queue(extraction_queue) self.projection_queue = self.queue(projection_queue) self.enrollment_queue = self.queue(enrollment_queue) self.scoring_queue = self.queue(scoring_queue) # the local setup self.number_of_parallel_processes = number_of_parallel_processes self.scheduler_sleep_time = scheduler_sleep_time def __str__(self): """Converts this grid configuration into a string, which contains the complete set of parameters.""" return utils.pretty_print(self, self._kwargs)
[docs] def queue(self, params): """queue(params) -> dict This helper function translates the given queue parameters to grid options. When the given ``params`` are a dictionary already, they are simply returned. If ``params`` is a string, the :py:data:`PREDEFINED_QUEUES` are indexed with them. If ``params`` is ``None``, or the ``grid_type`` is ``'local'``, an empty dictionary is returned. """ if self.is_local(): return {} if isinstance(params, six.string_types) and params in PREDEFINED_QUEUES: return PREDEFINED_QUEUES[params] elif isinstance(params, dict): return params elif params is None: return {} else: raise ValueError("The given queue parameters '%s' are not in the predefined queues and neither a dictionary with values." % str(params))
[docs] def is_local(self): """Returns whether this grid setup should use the local submission or the SGE grid.""" return self.grid_type == 'local'
# gets sphinx autodoc done right - don't remove it __all__ = [_ for _ in dir() if not _.startswith('_')]