.. vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : .. author: Manuel Günther .. date: Thu Sep 20 11:58:57 CEST 2012 .. _bob.bio.base.installation: ========================= Installation Instructions ========================= As noted before, this package is part of the ``bob.bio`` packages, which in turn are part of the signal-processing and machine learning toolbox Bob_. To install Bob_, please read the `Installation Instructions `_. Then, to install the ``bob.bio`` packages and in turn maybe the database packages that you want to use, use conda_ to install them: .. code-block:: sh $ conda search bob.bio # searching $ conda search bob.db # searching $ conda install bob.bio.base bob.bio. bob.db. where you would replace ```` and ```` with the name of packages that you want to use. An example installation ----------------------- For example, you might want to run a video face recognition experiments using the :py:class:`bob.bio.face.preprocessor.FaceDetect` and the :py:class:`bob.bio.face.extractor.DCTBlocks` feature extractor defined in :ref:`bob.bio.face `, the :py:class:`bob.bio.gmm.algorithm.IVector` algorithm defined in :ref:`bob.bio.gmm ` and the video extensions defined in :ref:`bob.bio.video `, using the YouTube faces database interface defined in :ref:`bob.db.youtube `. Running the command line below will install all the required packages: .. code-block:: sh $ source activate $ conda install bob.bio.base \ bob.bio.face \ bob.bio.gmm \ bob.bio.video \ bob.db.youtube \ gridtk Databases --------- With ``bob.bio`` you will run biometric recognition experiments using biometric recognition databases. Though the verification protocols are implemented in ``bob.bio``, the raw data are **not included**. To download the raw data of the databases, please refer to the according Web-pages. For a list of supported databases including their download URLs, please refer to the `biometric recognition databases`_. After downloading the raw data for the databases, you will need to tell ``bob.bio``, where these databases can be found. For this purpose, we have decided to implement a special file, where you can set your directories. By default, this file is located in ``~/.bob_bio_databases.txt``, and it contains several lines, each line looking somewhat like: .. code-block:: text [YOUR_ATNT_DIRECTORY] = /path/to/your/directory .. note:: If this file does not exist, feel free to create and populate it yourself. Please use ``databases.py`` for a list of known databases, where you can see the raw ``[YOUR_DATABASE_PATH]`` entries for all databases that you haven't updated, and the corrected paths for those you have. .. note:: If you have installed only ``bob.bio.base``, there is no database listed -- as all databases are included in other packages, such as :ref:`bob.bio.face ` or :ref:`bob.bio.spear `. Also, please don't forget that you need to install the corresponding ``bob.db.`` package as well. Test your Installation ---------------------- You can install the ``nose`` package to test your installation and use that to verify your installation: .. code-block:: sh $ conda install nose # install nose $ nosetests -vs bob.bio.base $ nosetests -vs bob.bio.gmm ... You should run the script running the nose tests for each of the ``bob.bio`` packages separately. .. code-block:: sh $ nosetests -vs bob.bio.base $ nosetests -vs bob.bio.gmm ... Some of the tests that are run require the images of the `AT&T database`_ database. If the database is not found on your system, it will automatically download and extract the `AT&T database`_ a temporary directory, **which will not be erased**. To avoid the download to happen each time you call the nose tests, please: 1. Download the `AT&T database`_ database and extract it to the directory of your choice. 2. Set an environment variable ``ATNT_DATABASE_DIRECTORY`` to the directory, where you extracted the database to. For example, in a ``bash`` you can call: .. code-block:: sh $ export ATNT_DATABASE_DIRECTORY=/path/to/your/copy/of/atnt In case any of the tests fail for unexplainable reasons, please send a report through our `mailing list`_. .. note:: Usually, all tests should pass with the latest stable versions of Bob_ packages. In other versions, some of the tests may fail. .. include:: links.rst